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A yawn left Amelie's mouth, and she looked at the time: 23:30. The night was about to begin. Saturday was surprisingly relaxed. She and Lando were laying on the couch, both trying not to fall asleep. After an almost two hour walk through the woods with the dogs, Lando and Amelie went to the supermarket to buy some groceries and made dinner - well, Amelie made dinner as Lando was the DJ controlling the music. They spend the evening talking, laughing, making stupid jokes, and showing their best memes.

She sat up and looked at Lando who laid down across the couch; he was just scrolling through his phone. "I think I will call it a night in a few," she mentioned. "I am knackered."

Lando looked away, crossing her eyes. "Yeah, of course. Just give me a sec, and I will go home," he yawned and sat up. He ran both his hands through his hair and stretched his back. "That two-hour walk was more exhausting than I imagined it would be."

Amelie nodded and let herself fall on her back again. Her eyes closed. "You can stay over if you want. I'm not letting you drive when you can't focus anymore."

"Hmm," he hummed. "If you don't mind?" Lando didn't want to bother Amelie.

"No, not at all." She let out a deep breath and got up. "We will clean this up tomorrow, don't have the energy for it anymore." Amelie softly smiled and waited for Lando to get up and follow her.

Amelie made sure all the lights were off downstairs and waited for Lando to come back inside after he grabbed his bag out of his car. She made sure the alarm was set, and they made their way upstairs, got themselves ready for bed.

"You play field hockey?" Lando surprisingly asked when he looked around in Amelie's room.

The room was different from the rest of the house. The interior design of the house was neat, luxurious, cold, there was probably spend a fortune on it - yet there were some details to make it more 'normal', such as flowers, books, other small touches to make it look more liveable. But Amelie's room was warm, simple, liveable. This was the only room with photos on the wall, small messes, accessories, there was shown someone actually lived here and made it her own.

"Hmm," Amelie hummed when she closed the door behind her.

Lando pointed at the hockey stick in the corner of her room and at some photos on the wall.

"Oh, field hockey," she said and created a pillow wall in the middle of her bed. "I used to play it, but I quit after last season due to school and a knee injury," she told him. "It's decoration now."

He nodded interestedly. "On what level did you play?"

"Second highest team in the amateur competition under the age of 21."

His eyebrows raised, and he sat down on the bed. "Holy shit, that is pretty impressive. Would you continue if you didn't have to quit for school and the injury?"

Amelie blew up her cheeks and closed the curtains. "I don't know, I guess not. I don't miss it," she said and laid down on her side of the bed under the blanket. "I wouldn't do it again, but I don't regret playing hockey. At least I don't face all these rich bitches anymore with their judgements."

"Says a girl who lives in a massive house in Windsor," he smirked and laid down next to her.

A smile grew on her face, but she tried to hide it. "Touché," she said and looked at the ceiling. "But I don't have a lot of money, can't call myself rich. My parents are, though. And I am not judge-y, at least, I hope I am not."

It was silence between them for a moment. It was weird because they weren't that tired anymore now they laid in bed. Amelie chewed on the inside of her cheek and closed her eyes, her breathing evened. Lando was wondering if she had fallen asleep, and if that was the case, he had to turn off the lights.

Two Faces || Lando NorrisWhere stories live. Discover now