Chapter 11 Juuzou Suzuya

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Things were finally starting to get back to normal. Neo and Will managed to return Yoriko home safely and then reported anomalously about Tsukiyama. However by the time the authorities showed up he was gone. Despite this Neo and Will have decided to return back to their normal school lives.  

Currently they all were in combat class. Team PWBJ was cheering on Penny as she obliterated an entire team.  Despite their best efforts, they were no match for this war machine. And soon they all were defeated, leaving Penny the only one standing. Everyone clapped at her victory as Yang stepped onto the stage. 

Yang: Well done Penny, still as strong as ever. That will be it for today everyone, until tomorrow. In the meantime I have to make sure these other guys are still alive. 

With class over with everyone began to exit out into the halls. Team PWBJ decided to stick together. 

Will: Well done out there Penny. 

Neo: Crazy how you were able to take them all out like that. 

Juuzou: That was epic, can try that next time. 

Penny blushed. 

Penny: Thanks guys, I was programed after all solely for fighting. 

Neo: If it was that, you wouldn't be this kind. You may have been created to be a weapon but you are a very kind person. 


It was lunch time now as the students filled the cafeteria. Team PWBJ sat together as they ate, well except Juuzou. He currently was putting stitches on himself as the others watched. His gaze meet theirs, his expression showed cluelessness. 

Juuzou: What?

Neo: Juuzou...what are you doing?

Juuzou: I'm putting more stitches on myself. 

He continued putting the stitches on his arm, this time creating a design. He didn't have a care in the world. 

Penny: Juuzou, stitches are suppose to be used for treating injuries, it would be best if you save them in case that happens. 

Juuzou: Don't worry I got more. 

Will: Do you really have to do that in public, I don't want to be known for having a psycho for a teammate. 

Juuzou: Oh come on Will, how about I give you some. Then we'll match. 

Juuzou had a mischievous grin on his face as Will had a tic mark. 

Will: AS IF YOU...

They all turned their attention to another group of students, who were all harassing a group of faunas. Neo grinded her teeth in anger. 

Neo: God damn assholes, it pisses me off that people are still racist towards faunas. 

Penny: I hoped that in the time I was gone this would resolve, unfortunately things haven't changed. 

Will: Guys, Juuzou is gone. 

True to what he said, the pale boy was gone from his seat. Neo's and Penny's eyes widened as they quickly turned back and saw Juuzou coming face to face with the racist students. 

Girl: What the hell, why are you so pale?

Guy: And what's with the grin, creepy.

The students continued to make fun of Juuzou, who kept smiling. 

Juuzou: My name is Juuzou Suzuya! I was wondering if you could leave those guys alone, they don't look very happy?

A big guy stepped in front of Juuzou. 

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