Chapter 10 Neo vs Tsukiyama

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Neo and Will approached the old building. They opened the ancient doors and entered the building. Inside they found candles lighting up the area. All the way at the end was Tsukiyama in his disguise, playing the organ. Lying on the pedestal was none other than Yoriko, who was tied up and unconscious. Tsukiyama stopped playing and turned towards the group. He had his signature grin on. 

Tsukiyama: Glad you decided to show up mademoiselle. This will truly be an exciting night. I see you decided to bring along a friend. 

He eyes Will, the grin on his face didn't change. 

Tsukiyama: Normally I would oppose but it's not every day a ghoul gets to eat a Schnee. He will make a fine addition to our main course.  

Will: You weren't kidding when you said this guy was insane. 

Neo: He may seem like another crazed ghoul, but his mind is still fully intact. He can fight as good as any professional huntsmen. 

Tsukiyama: Come now kitty, I feel a little hurt that you would compare me to a mere human. And after all the trouble I went to set this up. 

Neo: What do you even want from me?

Tsukiyama: Two reasons, first is because I want to unleash the beast. You always suppress your ghoul side, only letting out part of it when you fight other ghouls. I want to see you loose control as you devour your friend. Second is because you are a delicacy. You weren't made as a half ghoul, you were born as one. Which means you are natural. Your body is the perfect mixture of faunas and ghoul blood. AND I WANT A TASTE OF IT!

As he said that last part his eyes turned into their ghoul form. Neo and Will quickly brought out their weapons. 

Neo: Heads up, his kagune is a koukaku that coils around his right arm. 

Will: Got it. 

Tsukiyama jumped onto the ground and charged at the the duo. Will got caught off by Tsukiyama's speed and was knocked back. Meanwhile Neo started fighting Tsukiyama. They both attacked one another, trying to rip each other apart. They jumped away from each other as Will got back up. He ran at Tsukiyama and started attacking him, all the while Tsukiyama didn't look impressed. 

Neo tried to attack from behind, but Tsukiyama turned around and blocked her. Neo and Will both started fighting Tsukiyama, as he easily was able to defend himself from both of them. 

Will(thought): She wasn't lying when she said this guy is tough. He's able to fight both me and Neo.

Neo went for Tsukiyama's face but he blocked it with his kagune. Neo pushed harder to try and get past his defense but Tsukiyama was pushing back as well. Will went to get a hit in but Tsukiyama saw it coming and kicked him away. Neo got distracted and was forced backwards. Tsukiyama slammed his kagune into Neo, sending her crashing into the pews. 

Tsukiyama: My, you've gotten weaker haven't you?

Will came from behind and stabbed Tsukiyama right in the back. Tsukiyama turned around and faced Will. 

Tsukiyama: That wasn't very nice to attack from behind. 

With blinding speed Tsukiyama did multiple thrust with his kagune. Will did his best to block but a few managed to hit him, luckily his aura managed to help him. However he wasn't prepared for Tsukiyama to punch him. As he staggered back he formed a glyph and shot icicles at the ghoul. Tsukiyama easily blocked the attack. 

Tsukiyama then once again punched Will, this time into a pillar. Will then used his glyphs to shoot fire but Tsukiyama managed to block that attack as well. Will got back up and used a glyph to make him shoot forwards. He managed to push Tsukiyama back but he quickly recovered. He forced Will up against the pillar as his kagune started to grow. 

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