Chapter 12 Momma

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Another day back at Anteiku. Neo was helping Hinami with reading in on of the lounge rooms. Since Hinami was a ghoul they didn't want to risk her going to school, so she was home schooled. Times when Neo was around she would help her with more difficult things. 

Hinami: What's a cloudburst?

Neo: That's a sudden rainstorm that quickly disappears. 

Hinami: I didn't know there were special names for storms. 

Neo: Yeah, people just like to make things difficult. 

???: What's going on in here?

They both saw a cheerful Ryouko enter the room. 

Hinami: Hi mom, Neo was just helping me with reading. 

Ryouko: Thanks again Neo for helping her, she always enjoys it. 

Neo: No problem, I also love to do this. 

Ryouko: Come on Hinami, if you want to go shopping we'll be leaving now. 

Hinami: Okay momma. 

Hinami got up and followed after her, right before saying by to Neo. Then it was just Neo in the room, until she saw Roman passing by and called out to him. 

Neo: Hey Uncle Roman?

He stopped and looked at her. 

Roman: Yeah kid what up?

Neo: I've been wondering...what's been going with Mr. Fueguchi?

Roman's normally grinning face fell, he entered the room and sat on the couch. 

Roman: We've have no idea where he is. All of us have been searching for days and no trace. He's no even as the clinic anymore. It's like he vanished, we're starting to consider the worst. 

Neo: He's been hunted by the doves. 

Roman: That or Aogiri got him, they have been getting more aggressive lately. Point being, there's a good chance he's been killed. 

Neo: Do they know about it?

Roman: Ryouko knows, but not Hinami. She still has hope that he's still out there, but things are looking slim. 

Neo: I'm going out for a walk. 

Roman: Don't do anything reckless. 

Neo didn't listen to him and left the room. 

Neo(thought): Poor Hinami, what if he really is gone. Or worse, what if the CCG got him. 


Ryouko and Hinami just walked out of a book store as it started to rain. Ryouko then pulled out an umbrella. 

Ryouko: Well it's a good thing I brought this?

Hinami: Did you know that this kind of storm has a special name, it's cloudburst. 

Ryouko: Really, I had no idea. 

The two began walking, unknowing that two men in suits were following them. 

Hinami: A cloud burst is a sudden storm that appears and then quickly goes away. 

Ryouko: I bet that even your father doesn't know that. 

Hinami: Really, then does that I mean I'm smarter that him. 

Ryouko giggled. 

Ryouko: You just might be. 

The two continued to walk merrily, that's when Hinami picked up on something. A scent, more specifically the scent of her dad. This made her perk up. 

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