Wild Card

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After moving at high speed, Jet and Yura shot up and emerge above ground. Still carrying Yura, Jet's wings flapped strongly as he flew higher. Upon reaching a certain height, he stopped, allowing both of them to see a bird's eye view of Arcadia. 

"Oh no."

Yura talked in a solemn manner upon seeing the current state of Arcadia. The darkness of midnight, often lit up by light from the buildings, now remain brightened by several fires that have broken out. Apparently, in the time that they were underground, several battles went on, with some continuing until the current time.

Yura spotted several machine soldiers attacking a group of people in the distance. Some members of the group attempt to fight back with magic, but were quickly repelled and ran over. In some areas, the military has joined in on the action, rescuing people while trying to fend off Accenture's robot army. While she looked on, she can't help but feel Jet's emotions that were close to boiling over.

the most notable thing in this mess was the scene on Accenture's headquarters. From this far overhead view, Yura can see a huge density of people gathered, while military vehicles and the Aegis' machinations continued to engage in battle against the robot armies.

Yura clutched onto Lucent Heart when she saw more of the bipedal tanks being released at the moment in other sectors of the city. "There's more of them?" commented her in shock, before she saw three more of those units doing battle around the Accenture headquarters.

"We have to find the archbishop."

Hearing his decisive words, Yura looked at Jet. "The only way we can truly put an end to this is to put him down for good."

"There are too many big skirmishes going everywhere in the vicinity. I don't know where he is."

Sight was not the key to finding his location. It was sound.

Still holding on to her, Jet flew forward and began descending when he neared a large road. This is the main road which would lead to Accenture's headquarters. As they neared, Yura figured out what sense  her partner used in finding the target.

Jet put Yura down during landing, and the two were immediately greeted by screams from defeated beings. One spellcaster fell down to his knees in front of them, a blade from the Destruction Wing embedded in his chest. He gave the duo a look before crumbling into ashes.

Seeing this prompt, both Jet and Yura ran along the large road. Led by the screams of enemies and the sound of blood being shed, the two knew precisely which corners to turn. 

It did not take too long before they stood meters away from a group of dying individuals lying on the ground. Yura managed to duck at the last second before a piece of the Destruction Wing flew over her head. She looked back to see it pierce through its main target, a summoned fire gargoyle, which was immediately dissolved into magic particles.

Several meters in front of them, a group of demons move on to attack. Before long, they were easily cut down with the sword. Looking at the three bodies, Vega Selanoican stood proudly ahead of them. The Destruction Wing was missing a few pieces, and rightfully so. The released pieces gracefully weaved high above everyone, slicing and cutting possible attackers from above.

After easily slicing a wolf which leapt from behind him, Vega turned his attention to Jet and Yura.

"What are you doing here, and with that.... man beside you at that?" Vega addressed Jet with a disgusted look on his face, having seen his demon form twice already.

Yura activated Lucent Heart, but Jet was way ahead of her. Without warning, he had gotten off his feet and flew towards Vega. Avoiding Vega's sword thrust, Jet raised his clawed hands in an attempt to slash his enemy.

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