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"Let's see if you can keep up!"

Jet pushed his feet off the ground and leapt towards Cyril. The demon responded by extending his arms forward for a jabbing attack. Jet spun his body just as Cyril's arm approached, evading the first attack. As he closed in, he spun once again and delivered a spinning thrust kick squarely onto Cyril's chest. The kick made Cyril crash right through one of the conveyor belts in the abandoned compound.

"Are you sure you don't wanna send one of your creatures out? Fighting you is incredibly boring!" 

Jet calmly walked towards his fallen opponent. Without warning, Cyril extended his hand forward again, this time, catching Jet on the neck and scraping it with the claws. As a reaction, Jet quickly leapt forward and delivered a quick punch to Cyril. Cyril's head bounced off the ground, and his eyes closed.

"Tch! What a sissy. Just a little beating and he's down for the count."

Jet grumbled at his opponents weakness before turning back and picking up his jacket. Despite his seeming dominance, the fight had gone for around 10 minutes. The difference in skill did show, though. 

"I'll just get Emi and the others here and maybe take care of you. You wait here, alright?" 

Jet put on his jacket, when he heard a soft laugh from behind him. Bewildered, he turned back.

"What are you laughing at?" asked Jet, his face showing some frustration. "I told you to stay down."

"Naive... So naive!" 

Cyril slammed the hand on the ground, causing a slight tremor. Jet started hearing several groaning sounds around him. Jet stepped back as he sensed an enemy coming from the shadows. 

Soon enough, the enemy did show itself. It was another copy of the multi-headed dog Jet fought a few days ago.

"So, he calls you Orthrus or something, huh? The old man's running out of ideas, having to recycle you."

Orthrus jumped at Jet, who braced himself for impact. He successfully withstood the initial charge and managed a strong punch across the dog's face. 

Using this short time from battle that he created, Jet turned to Cyril. "What's with the things you summon?"

Jet saw the charging Orthrus and met it with a wind-charged punch, dissipating it. "I'm not a smart guy, and I hate memorizing things, but isn't this thing supposed to be a strong mythical creature or something?" 

"You underestimate my capabilities."

Jet got annoyed by Cyril's calm confidence and immediately charged at him. In a moment, a new summoned creature intercepted him. Getting caught by the attack, Jet was knocked back, as the newly-summoned humanoid demon advanced towards him.

It released its scythe-like arms and took a swing at Jet. Reacting quickly, Jet ducked the attack and delivered a strong punch through its chest. Feeling no effects from the attack, the demon raised its arms to attack.



Just as it was about to counter-attack, the humanoid demon's upper body was seemingly blown off. The next thing that Jet saw was Yura in front of him, getting into a ready stance while holding Lucent Heart.

"You never learn, do you? Didn't we just fight that thing a while ago?"

Jet shrugged it off and chuckled. "Well, as the saying goes, you can't teach a new dog old tricks."

Yura sighed and motioned with her fingers. "It's the other way around." She smiled and anticipated the regenerating enemy in front of her. "Doesn't matter anyway, let's beat this guy together!"

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