Guardian Battle!

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Yura walked through Terminal Mall's first floor. Today, there are more people doing their shopping, and it's not just because it is a Sunday. After the incident involving Cyril two weeks ago, the mall was shut down for a while in order to repair damages from the power outages. One-by-one, the shops opened up and today was the first day all shops opened. As a result, Terminal Mall announced a huge sale on almost all stores.

While passing by an appliance store, Yura looked at one of the television sets in display. The different thing about this unit is that it is broadcasting news, while all the other units that can be viewed from the outside were playing movies or TV series.

"It's happened again, huh?"

Yura cannot hear the news from outside, but she can see what the broadcast was about. For days already, rumors of a spectre have been circulating. 

It's just a rumor.

Despite brushing off the rumors, she secretly wished that they would remain just that. Rumors. She did not want anything to do with supernatural beings right now. Letting it pass, she walked towards the center stage of the mall. Before reaching her destination, she received another message. Yura was about to reply when she heard someone call her from behind.


This voice can only be from one person. Yura turned around and saw Leanne coming her way. 

"Ohai, Leanne! Eh... what are those?" 

Yura raised her eyebrows as she pointed at Leanne. Not Leanne, but specifically the cat ears the lively girl had on her head. "What are those?" 

"Cat ears! What else? Don't tell me you don't know about these!"

"No, of course I know they're cat ears, but.. where did you get that?"

Leanne blinked her eyes several times. "I just bought it from a cosplay shop! Do they fit me?" She then put on a cute smile, complete with a pose.

Yura decided to play along. She crossed her arms and closed her eyes, giving off the image of someone deep in thought. 

"Hmm... I couldn't say that you look bad, but..."

"Aww, come on," complained Leanne. 

Yura opened one eye and smiled. "Of course you look cute in that! With or without them!" She loosened her pose and returned to a casual expression. "Say, why did you suddenly think about getting those cat ears?"

"Why else? We're holding a maid cafe in the school festival, right?" 

Leanne gave Yura a look which she understood immediately. "N-no, I'm not doing that."

Leanne replied with a sly smile. "Yes, yes you are. That's our class contribution. Maybe if you're not asleep all the time, you would have heard about it and objected during homeroom time."

"No!" pouted Yura.

"You know we're gonna collaborate with some school clubs for this one. It will not only be a maid cafe, but also a host bar!"

Yura turned her head sideways upon hearing that and crossed her arms again. "No. Not interested. Beside, who how did the host bar come about?"

Ignoring Yura's question, Leanne continued talking. "Some club volunteered to join us. Hmm, let me think?" Leanne tried to remember which club it was.

She clapped her hand after remembering the club. "Ah! The Occult Club will be joining us!"

"W-what? Why them?" Yura's questions came more as an expression of surprise than question. She paused. "Wait a minute, if that's the case, maybe I could drop by for a shift and... Just make sure to get the most modest outfit, alright?"

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