--Come Together... To Awaken a Miracle!

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Jet clenched his fist at the sight of Icaros "You're back again?!" 

"Have you been deceived to their side as well?"

Icaros twirled his blades playfully. In order to address Vega's question, he began with a short scoff. 

"First of all, you should have known that I was never the most trustworthy person in this world. Never was, never will be. Second thing, I am not on their side. In case you haven't noticed, I merely interrupted the conflict to make my entrance."

He shifted his sight to Yura. "For all I care, you can fight all you want, and I'll just let you go at it and watch how things unfold."

"But! The way you are now, archbishop... You'll only cause destruction and havoc to the rest of the city if you were to get past the two of them. I simply cannot allow Arcadia to suffer at the hands of your madness. It's no fun if the whole place gets reduced to ashes, right?"

"Which is why I am here to stop you once and for all!" He ended his talk by pointing one of his blades, its edge red from his own blood, towards Vega. 

Tense silence immediately followed. Since none of the other people in the room dared to make their move, Icaros decided to open it up. The typical sound of lightning resonated with the glowing of his four key spots in the activation of Fatal Cross.

He vanished under the ultra-speeding effects of his magitek weapon, appearing behind Vega within seconds. 

"I have transcended humanity. If the beam from that cannon did not work, nothing will."

Upon saying that, Vega turned around to counterattack. For this clash, the blonde youth enhanced with speed was quicker. His kunai blades met Vega's arm and tore through it, leaving a deep slash wound.

Blood splattered out, yet the archbishop did not have an ounce of bother in his face. His wings quickly flapped in reaction, swatting Icaros away. 

He did not have the chance to follow-up on the attack when he sensed something approaching from behind. Seeing this as his best option for now, Vega flew up. In the air, he turned around to see that he had just barely dodged Yura's attack.

Something's wrong. He remembered three opponents, but why are there only two?....

"Take this!"

Jet held his clawed hands out and descended in a dive bomb attack. The wind currents that flowed against him only further emphasized the velocity of his descent. He crashed into Vega in midair and passed him, only to land roughly on the ground. He managed to brace himself and land safetly, albeit sinking the floor around where he landed.

He looked at the blood on his claws, then at Vega.

The archbishop remained suspended in the air. He had not fallen, but the damage from Jet's attack was clearly seen by all, manifesting in the form of a huge part of his abdomen being ripped right off. Still, he looked unbothered, and after a while, a loud thumping of a heart can be heard. The injury caused by Jet recovered along with the beat.

Jet's eyes widened. "What the hell?"

"Hah! You're wasting your time there, idiot."

Icaros' somewhat mocking words couldn't have been timed better, especially since Vega's abdomen completely recovered after those words. 

Fully recovered, Vega stared at the three enemies that stood below him. "Fools, even now you dare stand against me, who had attained this perfect form and act as the envoy of God's judgment."

Vega's four wings spread out in all directions. He accompanied this with spreading open his arms and opening his mouth. 

"Stand back!" ordered Icaros.

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