Waiting For Bilbo

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Chapter 13       

Waiting for Bilbo

(Thorin's POV)

I overheard Balin giving instructions to Bilbo on what to find, "You want me to find a jewel?"

"A large, white jewel. Yes," Balin answered. I could not believe how much time we are wasting! WE MUST HAVE THAT JEWEL! IT IS MINE! Woah...I don't know what came over me. I need to relax. That Wizard had faith in Bilbo to get back what was needed and now I must put my trust in him. He will find it and it will be mine. 

"That's it? Only, I imagine there are quite a few down there," he was pointing down at those beautiful halls filled with my gold...the gold that all my blood line will share in. Fili and his son and his son....it will be the age of Dwarves of the Seven Kingdoms.

"There is only one Arkenstone. And you'll know it when you see it," Move on Balin stop you gibber jabbering!

"Right," go Bilbo!

"In truth, Lad... I do not know what you will find down there. You needn't go if you don't want to," NO BALIN WHAT ARE YOU SAYING WE MUST HAVE THE STONE,"there is no dishonor in turning back."

"No, Balin," good somebody's got their beard with them I was wondering if I would have to cut Balin's off for suggesting him to stop, "I promised I would do this...and I think I must try," and succeed I thought to myself. 

Balin laughs, I did always love his laugh... when I was a young Princeling he would tell me stories and we would laugh together. Hearing his laugh always made me happier...that is until I hear Adrianna's laugh. How beautiful it was like a was summer's soft, warm wind. Against her beautiful radiant skin, it melted my heart and would bring tears to my eyes. "It never sises to amaze me."

"What's that?" Oh, Bilbo.

"The courage of Hobbits. Go now...with as much luck as you can muster. Oh, Bilbo?"


"If there is. In fact... a, um, live dragon down there... don't waken it. 

Balin returned to me and now all we could do was wait...


We had been waiting for quite a long while and then Ori stud up and spoke, "What about Bilbo?"

"Give him more time.." I demanded.

"To what? To be killed?" I guess Balin did have a point but I did not give up hope just quite yet. 

I could not show any weakness so I shot back, "You're afraid."

"Yes, I am afraid," No, I need you with me Balin you can't do this to me, "I fear for you," ugh. "A sickness lies upon this treasure hoard. A sickness that drove you grandfather mad." (A/N With that line I always imagine Thorin to yell out 'don't say a word against my father' Just like Harry Potter in the Order of the Phoenix.  I know grandfather but close enough.)

"I am not my Grandfather.'

'You're not yourself, the Thorin I know would not hesitate to go in there--"

"I will not risk this quest for the life of one burglar," We must have that stone nothing else matters!

"Bilbo. His name is Bilbo."

I cannot deal with this madness! I am King! They must do what I say! Arg...

We have to go in...


I run down the halls only to see fire and smoke...the it is true. He has awoken. The great terror that had passed into legends is now awoken...Smaug. I keep running till the end of the hall and...



More Gold.

Lost Gold.

Family Gold.

King's Gold.

It's here.

My Gold.

I hear footsteps coming up the stairs. "You're alive."

"Not for much longer," Bilbo says hurried. 

The only thing I cared was the Arkenstone, "Did you find the Arkenstone?"

"The Dragon's coming!" 

"The Arkenstone. Did you find it?"

"No. We have to get out," he failed me and this quest. He cannot stop now. He signed that he would by his life get that stone. That is the only reason he is here. I put my sword to his chest. "Thorin," he pleaded, "Thorin?" I lead him back down the stairs to find the only thing that I need. He keeps looking away and making contact with my eyes...getting more nervous every time he looks back at me. Suddenly...I could feel it. Him. The chiefest and Greatest Calamities of our age. The flying furnace. With wings like hurricanes. Teeth like razors....Smaug. I look over my right shoulder to find I am looking into his firey eyes. His growl makes me want to shoot that windlance into his throat.... he is the reason that my father...grandfather is dead he started it. With his desolation.  The rest of the crew came running out from the hall and they all met is piercing gaze.

"You will Burn!" The beast cries.

"RUUUUN" I yell to the company. He spits is dragon fire at us...we are too fast for him. There are so few of us it is hard to get us. I was not so lucky. My back....it heated up....I. Was. On. Fire. I ran towards everyone else and rolled on the ground and abandoned my coat (A/N like a boss) I bet Adrianna would swoon over my slick move. "Come on," I demanded calm and collected. I wanted to keep the company together and not freaking out. If they did...we would be ever more sloppy. I could not have that we would be incinerated instantly. 

Everything seemed quiet... we got to a main bridge that had no shelter. I knew we had to cross it. Slowly and surely we stepped. Maybe luck was on our side? This place reeked of Dwarf so we wouldn't smell any different....well besides Bilbo of coarse. 

I could not tell who but one in the company said, "we given him the slip."

I did not think so...I signaled him to hush up. This dragon has keen hearing.

"No, he's to cunning for that, "Dwalin ignored my signal. 

"Where to now?" did they not understand what the meaning of silence meant?!

Oh no I had to speak now, "The Western Guard room," I whispered, "there may be a way out."

"It's too high," Balin said objecting, "There's no change that way.

"It's are only chance," I simply state, "we have to try."


Sorry I was shorter I wanted to make the last chapter of the book really long and exciting...yes the next chapter is the last....so sad. Once The Hobbit: Battle of the Five Armies comes out on DVD I will get back to writing this series...with the last book in the Trilogy. Thank you so much for reading, voting, and commenting! I really enjoy that people actually like this book and care to write comments about how they like it. For you who have written books it really makes your day when you have a good comment on the book! So again tell me what you think if you have any constructive criticism I would love to hear it. And any grammar and spelling mistakes will be corrected when I edit this book (see author's note on this book to seen when that is going to happen)

Thank soooo much <3

-Kailie Garey

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