Ch. 5 Not the Katelyn that left.

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I could hear voices around me.

"Do you think she is going to be okay?"

"I don't know Elena. She's been out for an hour. She should be waking up soon."

"What if she doesn’t?"

"We will just have to wait."

"I want to know if my sister is ok!"

"Hey... Let’s leave and check back later. You just need to get your mind off things."

"But... Someone needs to be here with her."

"I'll stay."

"Thanks Damon."

I hear the shuffling of feet.

"Ok. You can wake up now." Damon says.

"How did you know I was awake?" I say eyes still closed.

"I didn't"

I open my eyes and am blinded my light. I groan and quickly cover my eyes.

"Turn off the lights." 

I open my eyes again and find it to be almost pitch black, there was only a soft glow coming from the fire.

"At least I'm not blind." I joke and flip over the side of the couch. I have my back face a wall and go to pull a stake from my boot.

"Oh you've got to be kidding me."

"Yeah...We found this wooden object in your boot and we thought that it would be best if you did not have it. Safety precaution." Damon said from behind me. I spun around to be greeted with empty space.

"Safety precaution for you but not so much for me." I said while getting the syringe of vervain from the hidden compartment in my belt.

"Would you be so kind as to toss it here?" I put the syringe in my back pocket and covered it with my shirt.

"Yeah... How about not?" 

"Please" I said giving him my puppy eyes.

He looked like he might cave but it soon went away.

"I will give you this wooden death machine if you answer one question." 


"Why were you in the tomb?"

"Well Kit Kat and I are friends. Why else?" I said annoyed

"I don't think friends kill their friends."

"Well we're not your normal group of friends. I mean she's over 500 years older than me and I look exactly like her." I say." Now can I have my stake back?" I ask getting impatient. 

He smirks as if he has an Idea.

"If you can get it before it burns." He throws my stake toward the fire.

I make it stop just outside the fireplace. I proceed to have it come to me but it decided to have a mind of its own and go straight at my heart. I dive out of the way but it still manages to cut my arm.

"That was so not cool. Whatever that was do not do it again or I will stake you myself. Am I clear?" I said to try to play it off as me not doing it.

I see him staring at my bloodied arm.

"You know you should not take those threats to heart. I was just speaking out of anger. “I said trying to get him to focus on something else.

I see my stake 7 feet away from me. I lunge for it. Standing up I notice he is no longer where he once stood. I slowly start backing up when I run into someone. Their arms wrap around me restraining me from running. I start to struggle and fight to escape the grip.

Another Gilbert Girl (A Vampire Dairies Fan Fiction)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin