Ch. 3. Reuniting with old friends

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A/N I don't own the Vampire Dairies. I only own Katelyn. Everyone else belongs to L.J. Smith.


I run out of the house and don't stop running until I'm in the middle of the forest. I collapsed crying.

Focus Kat focus. You need to calm down before. It started raining when just 2 minutes before there was not a cloud in the sky. This has been happening frequently since I got my powers. After a few minutes, when I calmed down enough, the weather went back to normal.

"You know I'm keeping up my part of the deal by keeping your friends and family safe but you always seem to put yourself in danger Elena. You should not be in the woods alone, let alone when it is night." I heard from behind.

I turned around ready to give a sarcastic remark when I seen who it was.

"Elijah." I say.

"Yes?" He looks confused. I decided to play him.

"You said that you would protect my friends and family. Well my older sister she... she has been badly injured. It is unknown..." I started cracking up because the look on his face was priceless. I have never seen him more confused than right now. And I have confused him very much. I was laughing so hard that my stomach hurt and tears were rolling down my face.

"Y...You should s..see your f.ff.ff... face." I stuttered.

"Elena?" he asked.

I stopped laughing and looked at him with a serious expression. "First I'm not Elena. Everyone thinks I am which is slightly surprising but my day has been full of surprises. Not only are you here, but I find out Katy is locked in the tomb. It's shocking that she's here but trapped is even funnier. Plus like I said people call me Elena. Elena this Elena that. Even you think I'm her. I mean when does she ever curl her hair. For formal occasions but nobody expects it to be the long lost Gilbert girl. Then I find out Jeremy hates me. I’m starting to wonder if coming back was a mistake." I stopped my mini break down.

"So if you’re not Elena then who are you?" He questioned.

"Really Eli. You can't figure it out. You are no longer my BFF." I pretend to ignore him.

"Still not ringing a bell." He said trying not to smile.

"Will me staking you again jog your memory?" I question.

"Katelyn is that you? I had no idea! What are you doing here?" he says while faking surprised.

I laughed. "I finished training so I decided to come home." 

"So you are Elena's Sister? I never would have thought." He says and I laugh again.

""No I'm not her sister. I'm her Evil clone... Of course I'm her sister. We are even twins. I don't see the resemblance though." I reply sarcastically. "Now like you pointed out it is night and I am heading home. I don't want any big bad vampires coming to try to eat me." I say and start in the direction that I think home is.

"Katelyn. If you want to make it back anytime soon I suggest you turn around." Elijah says and I turn red. 

"Thanks." I say and walk the correct way.

"I'm surprised that you actually had a conversation with me and did not stake me at all during it." Elijah says walking next to me.

"Yes well the night is still young... and I have a feeling that we will be seeing a lot of each other so why not have some fun?" I say with a smirk.

"Yes. Well okay. Good night Katelyn." He said then sped away. I was home. 

That guy is awesome. I've been friends with him for about 2 1/2 years. He thought I was Katherine and tried to kill me but I staked him. I was tending to my wounds thinking he was dead when he came back to life. I did not realize it until I was taken by surprise. Every time we see each other we fight and I try to stake him. (I don't actually anymore. Only if I want to cause a scene) or take each other by surprise. As of now we are tied.

I walk inside. Time to face the wrath of the Gilberts.


When I walked in I was engulfed into a bear hug. It was Elena.

"Oh Katelyn are you okay? He should have never said that." Elena said not letting go.

"Elena I'm fine." I said

"No Kate you’re not." She said pulling back to look me in the eyes.

"Lena I am and please don't call me Kate." I said walking to the kitchen to make myself a grilled cheese.

"Why not? That was always your nickname?"

Because Kate died the day she left mystic falls.

"Because I had a friend Kate who was murdered." I say.

She gasps. "Did the police ever catch who did it?" she finally says.

"No." I say.

I did.

Kate was real and she was killed. I did catch the per... Thing that did.

The day she was killed it was my fault.

could have saved her.

should have tried harder. 

She was taking me out on the town to show me the ropes of being a vampire slayer. I was to watch from the side but she was too preoccupied by making sure I was safe she did not notice that one came up behind her. I shouted to let her know but it was too late. He had her by the neck. Frozen in fear and not knowing what to do I watched as he snapped her neck.

"Katelyn... Hello you there?" 

"Yeah. Sorry caught up with the sorrows of the past."

"Sorrows?" Lena questioned.

"You were not the only ones who have faced death while I was away." I tell her.

"Katelyn. You need to tell me why I did not know about you arrival." Jenna said while walking into the kitchen.

"I did not know I was coming until 2 am. Last night. I drove all night and arrived this morning... And before you say anything I have had to function with less sleep so I am fine. Plus I was already on a nocturnal schedule so it is did not bother me." 

"Why were you on a nocturnal schedule?" Jenna asked.

"Oh... I was taking night classes." I said.

"Mhhh Hmmm." Jenna hummed not believing me.

"Well I'm going to go to sleep now. See you tomorrow." I said quickly and ran upstairs.

Once upstairs I find that my stuff has been placed outside my door. "Thanks Jer." I mutter. And move the 4 bags inside.

Looking I found the bag with a few spell books and candles. Placing them in a circle around me I sit inside and contact Emily.

"So I'm here. What is so important that I needed to be here for today?" I ask

"Patience my child. Elena needs to be kept safe. Klaus is coming, she will be used in the ritual to unlock his werewolf half" She said and I burst out laughing.

"Klaus is coming for her, as in to kill her? Is she destined to be hated by every one that likes me?" I say

"Do not let him break the curse. Keep Bonnie from knowing you are a witch for now, unless absolutely necessary." She says and leaves.

"Yeah that's very helpful." I say to myself.

Sighing I get into bed. Waiting for sleep I make plans for tomorrow. First thing would be to see Katherine. She needs to know I'm in town... and well I need to make fun of her being trapped. 

 Decided sleep is not going to come for a while I pull out one of the spell books to read. About an hour later I find it hard to keep my eyes open and fall asleep with the book on my chest.


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