The pain radiated off of me, but I couldn't afford to lay around in my own misery. I scurried off up the stairs as fast I could up to pack belongings, which wasn't much. 

He always said I didn't deserve nice things because I ruined his life.I felt the stinging in my eyes again when I began packing everything I could into my duffle bag. 

Going under my bed quickly, I grabbed my secret box of my mother's belongings, or what was left of it. It was what I was able get my hands on anyways.

Which was risky, but her things always brought me comfort. She may not be here anymore on this earth, but she'll always be in my heart. I never got to know her, seeing as I was the one who killed her, but luckily dad didn't throw out everything, especially the photo albums.

Shoving it into my duffle bag, I swung it over my shoulder in a hurry, before dashing down the stairs. The furniture seemed to gone, which I didn't pay attention before in the morning, but I didn't care. 

I rushed myself out the door, knowing that he waiting for me.

My father was in the car, I could see from the windows that all his stuff packed in the back seat. Once he saw me out of the house, he honked the horn, waving his hand to hurry up angrily.

Once I got in inside the car, putting my stuff in the back of his pick up truck and buckled up. Making sure we weren't sitting to close, I stare at him for a few seconds just for any sudden attacks he might make, which only made him angry again.

"What the fuck you staring at bitch? What do you want?!" He said angrily staring at the road, as we drove off and onto the road.

Flinching away from him and seating myself even further away from him as I could, I kept asking myself; why do you always have to make him angry, Amethyst! Can't you do anything right?

My throat seemed to close up in fear at the anger on his face, but I manage to choke out a stuttering mess, cringing at my cowardly voice say, "Well y-you s-ee umm c-ca-an IIII h-have my I-po-od back ssoo II c-can listen t-to mu-usiic?"  I was nervous he wouldn't give it back.

He had taken it away from me when I was listening to it and was calling for me, needless to say I got a beating and my iPod taken away. 

"Sure, it'll keep you quiet on the way over there. Don't put up too loud."

I was shocked that he would actually give it back. He usually tells me to shut my trap and be quiet, before he inflict any kind of damage he's feeling.

He pulls it out of his pocket and tosses it to me. Mumbling a thanks to him and took the earbuds out of my duffle bag that sat on my lap and slipped them on looking for what song I should listen to first.

Watching out the window silently, I could the variety of cars passing by. I wish I could just pull the window down, so I could feel the cold wind hit my face and pass through my hair. Like in the movies, but it'll only anger him.

He used to tell me stories of how mother used love doing that, when they were all one big happy family. How she would never leave the window closed, when they drove anywhere.

Dad always said she wanted to be a bird, soaring in the big blue sky endlessly. I guess mother's doing that now, in heaven. I wonder if she's happy?

Shaking my head, out of those thoughts, I try to focus my self onto the song. Thinking about mom will only make me cry, which dad hates.

Just focus on the song...

The song begins to play its soft beat, that distracts me from everything that was happening. I always just pretend that it never happens, that I am okay. I kind of just float myself into my relentless thoughts.

I think about the new things that will happen now, we always move to new places with his big money. I'm not sure where he gets it from, but he always loves to use it.

I could only hope that it's somewhere nice this time, where we were was quiet and nobody ever liked me. They hated me for being so meek and quiet. I guess maybe this time it'll give me another chance at something good. 

My eyes start to close as all these thought course through my mind, I listen closely to the repeating song that keeps me from focusing on the bad things. 


Authors note: 

This is an edited chapter, I hope you enjoy!

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