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"Nora and Haruki were both training, and Nora was absolutely decimating Haruki." 

"Start music here"

"Gai and Julie were both watching Nora and Haruki."

Nora:"Come on Haruki.....if you have to buy the groceries today."


"Haruki jumps at Nora, only for her to grab his feet, and throw him to the ground."


Julie:"Boo, you stink Haruki!."

Haruki:"Oh shut up Justice!."

Gai:"I cant believe that your getting beaten by a pregnant girl."

"Haruki let his guard down, allowing for Nora to knock Haruki off his feet, grab his arm, and pull him towards her."

Nora:"Shall we dance?."

"Nora then looks at Weiss, who was also watching the fight."

Weiss:"Oh, right."

"Weiss uses her glyphs to create a dozen glyph Digons."

(These things)

"The army of glyph Digons all charge up to Nora and Haruki

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"The army of glyph Digons all charge up to Nora and Haruki."

"Nora then begins to swing Haruki around, knocking the Digon army down."

"As the fish kaijin all get back up, Nora sends Haruki into them, knocking them down all over again"

Haruki:"OK OK, I GIVE UP!!."

"Stop music here"

Nora:"Awww man, but it was just starting to get fun."

"Weiss smiles as she makes the Digons vanish."

"But as Nora went to go help Haruki up, three Atlesian Knight-200s burst into the room, and violently attempt to apprehend Nora."


"Just then, three more Atlesian Knights-200s burst into the room, and apprehend Haruki."

"Weiss, Gai, and Julie look at the scene in confusion, until Ironwood walks into the room."

Ironwood:"Haruki Natsukawa, Nora are both under arrest for attempting to destroy the city of Atlas."

Nora:"What?, what the hell are you talking about?."

"Two members of the Ace operatives walk in, Clover Ebi, and Harriet Bree."

Clover:"Hell of a defense you got there lady."

ULTRASEVEN + RWBY "THE KAIJU WAR OF REMNANT" VOL3Where stories live. Discover now