Chapter 2 (Edited)

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One year later

One year has already passed and we are still friends with Brandon and Alessandra . That year was the year when I finally admitted to myself that I really was falling for Brandon. I am in love with him and i want to make him my boyfriend, it will kill my dad but i got mom on my side when i told her what i was about to do today.



"Shhh! Mom! You are going to attract attention to us."

"I am so sorry Risa but this is a shock to me, i am happy for you but very worried for that boy."

"Wait, what? Why?"

"Because once you start dating him, your dad is going to torture that poor boy. But I promise you I will do everything in my power to calm your dad down, he knows that you are not a little girl anymore, you will be turning 15 soon. In some cultures, that makes you an adult. But not adult enough to raise kids so you better not have sex before marriage, i know that is what all parents say but that is what i believe in and it's not to have sex before marriage because i didn't, i didn't sleep your father until we were married and i told him i wouldn't either and respected my decision and still waited and loved me until the day he proposed married me and he he showed me that loved me even more."

"I know mom, i would not be having sex before marriage and i do want to have a special intimate moment with the person i marry."

"Good, but also know that you should not judge people who doesn't share the same believe and decisions we do. we should respect each other."

"I know mom." i said smilling at her

"So when am i going to meet my son-in-law?" she said smilling widely at me.

"Mama!! He isn't your son-in-law yet you know!? He's not even my boyfriend yet either!"

"I know but by the way you talk about him and you spent all night chatting and texting him, I think you both are made for each other like your dad and I. A perfect match!"

"Well, maybe after I ask him to be my boyfriend and we go on a few dates, then you will meet him." Mom then smiled widely at me.


Me,Ryo and Brandon were at our usual seats at the cafeteria but Alessandra hadn't arrived yet. We were all curious where she was until we heard a voice coming from afar.

"Brandon! Guys!" we saw Allie running towards us while dragging another girl's hand.

When she reached the table that we were sitting at, I got a clear look of the girl. She was a tan girl with dirty blonde hair with light blue eyes, she was as pretty as Alessandra .

"Meet my new best friend Kristeena!" she exclaimed.

"Hi" Kristeena said softly while waving at us awkwardly.

"Hey there," Brandon said. "What do you mean by your new best friend? I thought I was your best friend?"

"Well, i can have 2 right? And plus she is my girl best friend, I've been wanting for one for a while now." Allie replied.

"Ouch! So sorry that we don't have the same parts between our legs then." he said jokingly and we all laughed.

After meeting Kristeena, I started writing a love letter to Brandon and confessed my love to him. Mom and Aiko gave me some advice on how to write it and it's the same advice, 'follow your heart' which I did and poured all my feelings into the letter and it was finally perfect.

I was about to give the letter to him at school until Kristeena showed up. "Hey Lisa!"

I looked behind me at other girls that she might be calling for. "Who?"

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