Chapter 21 (Edited)

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Aiko's POV

"She's here?!"

"Yes, and she is here to see Risa and her new husband, Brandon."

"Oh okay, meeting her new grandson-in-law, that is going to be exciting."

"Yes, but the thing is, she has brought the sword with her and if you are asking how she got passed security, she took the family's private plane."

"The sword? The sword that my family gave to that man who helped get my great great great grandmother home to safety?"

"Yes, she did bring it and I think she is going to give it to Risa, i know she wanted to keep it in the family and she is closer to the family here than she is with the family in Japan."

"Well, that is possible and it is technically a family heirloom, and also because Kei and I, already had the rings, it would make sense that the sword would be given to Risa."

"Yes, she said she wanted the family here to come meet her tomorrow evening and also to bring their spouses. Oh and also bring the grandkids with you, I think it would be nice if they get to see their great-grandmother again and also she wanted to see the newest member of the family, Ryo, and Vienna's kids."

"Oh yeah, she hasn't seen the kids yet because they are too young to be on the airplane, they are only a few months old."

"Yup, well, have a good night Aiko-chan, and send my regards to Kei and the grandkids from me and also from their grandfather, he is now talking to her, having a mother-son family reunion"

"That's good, Good night Mama," I said before I hung up the phone.

I was quite curious why suddenly Kei, Ryo, and Risa's O bāchan came to give the sword to Risa now, She didn't give the sword to her children, I thought she might just leave the sword in Japan at the family's main house.

But then I suddenly felt sleepy at all the research I was doing I just kept the papers that were on my desk and placed them in my drawer. I then walk towards the bed to see my husband and 2 of my kids sleeping soundly in our bed. I slowly got in bed so I won't wake them up and slowly drifted off to sleep.

Risa's POV

After Brandon, Ryo, and Vienna already moved Brandon's stuff into my room, and also after Brandon said 'thank you' to both Ryo and Vienna, we went back to the hotel. 

I then received a message from both my parents saying that my grandmother had come to visit us. I was happy that she came, I would like for her to meet Brandon. My parents also told me that she wanted us to come to their house.

When I told Brandon that my grandmother came to visit, he was also kinda happy and I think it's because I am happy. I also told him that she wanted us to come to my parents' house and he said he would also like to meet my grandmother.

"So what time should we be going to your parents' house?" Brandon asked me as he was changing to go to work. 

I walked out of the shower as I was drying my hair with the towel. " they said around dinner time, it's okay, the limo would be here to pick us up and send us to my parent's house."

"Oh okay, I remember Kei and Aiko from the wedding but I didn't get to talk to them at the wedding."

"Yeah, I think we were all kinda busy with the wedding, maybe you can talk to them when we visit my parent's house since they are going there as well, and the same with Ryo and Vienna."

"Yeah, I would like to talk to your older brother and sister-in-law and the rest of your family too. I think it would be good and interesting to meet and have a chat with all your family members." 

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