Chapter 9 (Edited)

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Hi guys! I know it has been a while since I posted the last chapter but I did have some writer's block and was kinda having lazy unmotivated days, we all have those days, so here is my new chapter of Destiny of the Butterfly Necklace.

on with the story!

Brandon's POV

I woke up in the morning and was lying on my bed, thinking about last night with Risa. The question that i asked her, i asked her to marry me out of something so stupid like being bitter towards Allie. I know I was wrong to ask her, but I thought it was a good idea at that moment.

Risa and I were very close in high school, as close as Allie and I or even more than that. I remember all the times we hung out and how Risa and I had very meaningful conversations about our future and about what was bothering us. She was the reason that I was able to help Allie when she was upset.

Did I make a huge mistake asking Risa to marry me? I can't back out now can't I? It would break her heart. Especially now when i know that she used to have a crush on me in high school and all that happened when she wanted to confess to me. Why do I keep messing up relationships like this?!

*But I have no choice now, I have to tell her that I can't marry her.*

I grabbed my phone from my nightstand and scrolled down to Risa's number, I was about to call her but I couldn't. I couldn't risk it, I don't want to break her heart, I need to think this through. I know in my heart there was a reason for asking her to marry me, I know it's not only because of my bitterness towards Allie, there has to be something more than that. There has to be.

When I looked at her, I felt a strange warm feeling in my chest. The feeling was so familiar, like I finally felt safe and comfortable again. I haven't felt safe and comfortable in a long time, i never felt so comfortable with my feelings with someone for a long time. Risa helped me blow out all the emotions I have been hiding from everyone, my anger, sadness and bitterness towards Allie and my jealousy of the guy who had her. My anger towards my own father who chose her side instead of mine. The feelings came out and I felt a little better.

While I was still in my thoughts, I heard someone knocking on my bedroom door. " Hey bro, you wanna go out for a while, maybe get some breakfast with me?"

And then it clicked, I can ask Jaden for his opinion on this dilemma or maybe going out can help me clear my mind of uncertainty of the marriage.

"Yeah, I'll be right there, need to take a shower and change first." I told him through the door.

We went to a nearby diner to have breakfast, and I thought that it's finally time to ask Jaden about this but I can't let him know it's about me.

"So Jaden, I wanna ask you something and I want your honest opinion."

"Yeah shoot!" He said while he was digging into his pancakes.

"So I have a friend and he just got through something, just say... a break up." I was trying to be smooth with this. It was hard. " and after that he ran into a girl he hasn't seen since high school, they started talking for a while and he kinda proposed to her on the spot."


"Okay, he then thought to himself, that maybe the reason he did it was because he was bitter about his break up with his ex, and since he and this other girl have been friends before and they have so much in common in the past. He kinda thought that they could get married due to those reasons. So, what do you think about his decision?"

"if you want my honest opinion, the guy is stupid."

I was shocked at his answer. Well, actually not really that shocked but still.

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