Chapter 23 (Edited)

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Aiko's POV

As I looked closely at Brandon as he touched the handle of the sword, I saw something that I had heard but hadn't seen before today. His eyes changed colour from brown to reddish brown and I could see something was in it floating around his pupil. 

As Brandon started to lift the sword from the box, he looked at it closely and the colour of his eyes became brighter I moved forward to look closer at what was floating in his eyes and then I went closer and closer until I was right in front him but behind the coffee table that was in front of him.

Brandon didn't notice me as he seemed to be distracted by the sword that he was holding, he started examining it somehow while holding it gently.

And then I saw it, the thing that was floating in his eyes, the thing that I had heard but hadn't seen before. Dragon eyes.

Dragon eyes are not technically dragon's even if the name says it, there are 2 types, one which have dragon's eyes and the other is just that you can have a dragon floating around their pupil.

It was amazing the more I looked into Brandon's eyes as he was examining the sword, it's been years since dragon eyes were given to a human. Dragon eyes are only given to warriors of the dragon kingdom or even soldiers or brave people who have protected the royal dragon family from danger or helped them out with situations.

The previous person that was given the dragon eyes was coincidentally the one who was given the dragon sword by the royal family, my family and the one that Brandon is holding belongs to that person who gave it to Kei's, Risa's and Ryo's family years back.

And then it dawned on me, could Brandon be the descendant of that person? I remember one very particular feature that they said that the person had, which was his dark skin. He was a black man in Japan and he was a family friend of mine, he was a good friend, who helped bring my great great great etc. grandmother back to safety when she ran away from home due to her being a little stubborn to return from the Mythical realm.

It was a story that was told to me by my parents and was also the reason why I was kinda curious about why he left Japan. My parents told me the same way Kei, Ryo and Risa's parents told them, that he wanted to start a new life with his wife and family. 

I remember Risa always wondered who that man was or who his descendants were. What accomplishments they have made or even what they are doing right now. To even speculate that there was even a possibility that Risa might be married to the descendant of that man would be amazing to even think of. 

That man who might be Brandon's ancestor was never perfect, he made mistakes when he was in training and he can be careless sometimes with the decisions he makes but one thing for sure is that he was a good friend of ours and he loved both of our families to protect them as our guards.

Brandon was still looking at the sword but then I saw his eyes again and the dragon that was floating around his pupils started fading the same with the colour of his eyes, his eyes went back to their original colour again.

"Brandon? Are you okay?" Risa asked as she held one of his shoulders.

I then saw Brandon snap back to reality looked at Risa first and smiled at her. "Yeah, I'm fine, pretty cool sword though." 

Risa then smiled back at him but she still had that worried expression on her face, Brandon then faced me as he noticed that I was standing behind the coffee table and looking at him. 

"Yeah, are you sure that you are okay?" I asked him.

"Yup, don't worry Aiko." he smiled back at me but he seemed to look like he was weirded out by what happened when he touched the handle of the sword.

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