Chapter 12 (Edited)

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A long long time in medieval Japan

"Dōshite?! Dōshite?!Naze kore ga okotta nodesu ka?! Naze sore ga okotta nodesu ka?! Watashi no kawaisōna musume!!! ( why?! why?! Why did this happen?! Why did that happen?! My poor daughter !!!)"

The Japanese woman said as she wept for her lost daughter. She was accompanied by her husband who had all the night dragons looking for their daughter in their camouflage dragon scales. Night dragons are able to camouflage in the night as their scales are dark blue or black.

"Watashitachi wa sugu ni musume o mitsukerudeshou, watashi wa yakusoku shimasu, watashitachi wa kanojo o sagasu no o yamemasen ( We will soon find our daughter, I promise. We will not stop looking for her) the husband says to comfort his wife in her time of need. He also wept for their lost daughter. Their daughter went missing a few days ago when they went back to Japan from the Mythical Realm.

The Myhtical Realm was a place where all Mythical creatures live in harmony but the dragons felt that the human realm is still their home and the majority voted and chose to stay in the human realm. Especially the King and Queen of the Dragons.

Their daughter was very playful and was furious that she is unable to live in the Myhtical Realm, where she could play and breathe fire while flying in the clouds, she wouldn't need to hide her true self, as was required in the human realm. In the human realm, she can't fly or breathe fire, she can't shapeshift into her dragon form for the fear that she may get hunted by humans.

Her parents feared for her life and were worried of her playful ways, they kept controlling her and trained her to use her human body instead of her dragon body. She hated it so much that she ran away from home after her parents made her leave the Myhtical Realm as to return back to the human realm. And that is how the King and Queen got into the predicament now.

While the couple wept for their daughter in their grand home which they could afford as the King and Queen of the Dragons. There was a knock on the door but the couple was so sad that they didn't want to see any visitors. But the knocking on the door kept going on and on and that irritated the husband and he stood up, stomping his feet and started walking towards the door angrily.

He opened the door and yelled at the person who was continuously knocking on the door. "Damatte watashitachi o hanatte oite kudasai! ( Shut up and leave us alone!)

His eyes widened as he looked down at the little girl standing in front of him. "Papa! (Daddy!)"

"Yuki!" the husband went on his knees to hug his daughter tightly.

"Gomen'nasai papa! (I'm sorry daddy!) " the girl started crying and hugging her father tightly.

The little girl's father then saw a shadow that suddenly crept up behind his daughter, he looked up and saw a man with dark skin looking at him and his daughter hugging. He held his daughter even tighter while examining the man in front of him.

The father looked through his dark skin to try to see the signs of a hidden Mythical form, maybe it was one of the night dragons that he sent to search for his daughter but all he could see was pure human flesh. No Mystical Aura of any kind, not a warlock, not a fairy and especially not a dragon.

His daughter then saw the shadow too and pulled away from her father's hug and went running to the other man. The man smiled at his daughter and she smiled back at him while he patted her on her head.

The daughter took the man's hand and pulled him towards her father while her mother went outside to see who was at the door. She was shocked to see her daughter holding another man's hand.

She quickly hugged her daughter with relief that she is safe and once she released her daughter, the little girl began to speak.

"Kono otoko wa watashi o sukui, watashi o ie ni tsurete itta (This guy saved me and took me home)"

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