Chapter twenty: released.

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Snow crunched underfoot as (y/n) followed the others back to the resort. The mood was grim, nobody seemed happy. Polnareff had placed his arm over her to help her keep warm in the cold night air. She was shivering. It was so cold. Her circlet jingled as she shivered. "(Y/n). Are you okay? That bandage on your neck...," Polnareff asked, "What happened?" "I was bit.," She answered honestly. "Who?," Polnareff asked, "Was it a vampire? Kars?!" "Polnareff, calm down, we can ask her about what happened later. Right now, we need to prepare for any future attacks.," Joseph spoke.
"No offense, but what the hell are you wearing?," Jotaro asked. The blind woman's face lit up in a red color, she moved closer to Polnareff, "S-Something that Wamuu m-made." "It looks good on you, signorina.," Caesar commented with a smile, "But it can't be all that warm." "It's not.," the blind woman replied. "Well, we can warm up once we get to our rooms.," Joseph said, "You get to share with Polnareff and Avdol, (y/n)." "O-oh. Okay.," the woman spoke and held onto Polnareff's muscular arm for stability. She smelled the scent of the soap from the resort and Polnareff's favored cologne as she did.

Once they were in the resort, it was warmer. The air in the resort was more relaxed and friendly than the one that was in the castle. Polnareff led the young woman to the room he and Avdol shared. It was a large room with two big beds in it. "I could sleep on the couch.," Polnareff offered, "So you don't have to." "Unless you don't mind sharing one, Polnareff.," the young woman suggested. She had become more bold after she had gotten used to being with Santana. She saw that Polnareff's cheeks had turned a bit red. The Frenchman and the young woman entered the room, Iggy followed. Avdol was sitting in his bed, reading. The Egyptian man looked up, "Ah, you got her back." "Kars did not even put up a fight. He let us go in and take her.," Polnareff spoke, "But that means we have to watch out backs." "Not even a fight? That means that something is planned.," Avdol spoke and looked to the young woman, "Glad to see you are okay, Miss (y/n)."
(Y/n) gave him a polite nod and sat on Polnareff's bed. Polnareff took the bandages off of her neck and looked at the damage. He made a disgusted noise. "Does it hurt?," Polnareff asked. "No.," (y/n) answered, "It stings a little bit. Not too bad." Avdol put his book down and looked at what Polnareff was doing. "How did you get this bite anyway?," the silver haired Frenchman asked. "It was an accident. He did not mean to.," she responded, "He was asleep, he did not know what he was doing."

"Who was asleep?," Avdol asked. "Santana. I was with him when he was sleeping. He must have been having a dream, he bit me. Although I have a feeling that Kars already knew it might happen.," (y/n) explained, "I don't blame Santana. He felt like he needed to bite and I was there." "Another question.," Polnareff said and got the young woman's attention, "Why were you with him in his bed?" "It is too much of a risk if I was left alone. I could have escaped, I could have gotten killed by vampires...," (y/n) replied, her blind eyes never opening. Polnareff heard her murmur, "And it was warmer to share." The Frenchman wrapped her wound in clean new bandages after cleaning the wound a bit, "There we go. If you do want to share, I must warn you, I get clingy." "Not much different than Santana then.," (y/n) smiled and tapped her knuckle on his chest.
"I promise not to bite.," Polnareff smiled and got a laugh out of the young woman. He saw the change in her, she was no longer scared and shy. She had confidence. The Frenchman felt a bit of attraction to that confidence. Her face and body were scarred but Polnareff did not feel disgusted by looking at the scars, nor was it pity. It was a sort of admiration of her strength. He stood and got ready for bed. Avdol was already laying down and trying to get to sleep. (Y/n) was under the covers and on her own side, leaving Polnareff his favored side. The Frenchman got into bed and felt the young woman touch his skin softly. "Goodnight.," She whispered and lay onto the pillow below her, her hand still on his arm. Polnareff took her hand, "Bonne nuit."

(Y/n) scooted a little closer and lay her head on Polnareff's shoulder, her face relaxed more. Polnareff closed his eyes and had a small smile on his face. He felt comfortable. His large and muscular arm wrapped around her. They did not feel as cold as they shared body heat like this.

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