Chapter eleven: Bath time

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The days seemed to crawl on since (y/n) had been stolen from the island. Nighttime made everyone on edge since the initial attack. Joseph was using a satellite phone to call his wife and talk to Speedwagon foundation operatives. He learned that the stand user archives had been broken into by Esidisi and a single file had been stolen from the archive, (y/n)'s file. This information he passed onto the others. Joseph told everyone to pack up, they were going to go to Germany then to Switzerland.
The others packed up their hinges and got ready to travel, Polnareff gathered (y/n)'s things up while he packed his. Just to make sure. He knew he and the others would find her. He only hoped that she would be unharmed. The silver haired Frenchman carried his luggage and (y/n)'s to the ferry to get to the mainland.

Joseph and Caesar got a vehicle to drive through Europe in. Everyone piled into the vehicle and they drove off. "Hey Ceasar. Doesn't this sort of remind you of fifty-two years ago?," Joseph asked as Polnareff drove. "A little. We just need Suzie running after us and yelling at you.," The blond Italian chuckled. The old friends both chuckled at the memory before having to explain the history to Jotaro and friends. Polnareff found it a little cute about how Joseph met his wife. Caesar teased that perhaps (y/n) would turn out to be one of their soulmate. Jotaro did not seem amused by this while Kakyoin asked Polnareff if he liked (y/n).
Polnareff ignored the teasing he was getting and continued to drive. Avdol and Joseph spoke with each other about things while the younger ones talked with Caesar. "Jojo, I just had a thought.," Caesar spike up after about an hour of driving, "What if they are using the old castle to hide in like they did before?" "I would think so. It fits Kars's tastes.," Joseph replied, "It would also fit Kars to have more vampire servants."

"Mr. Joestar.," Avdol spoke up, "You before mentioned that the archives had been broken into. It would also stand to reason that if there was something else that the pillar men wanted they would break into there to take as well." "Then it would stand to reason that Santana is no longer in containment.," the old Joestar spoke, "Meaning another pillar man that we have to fight." "Santana? What kind of power does he have? You already told us about Kars and the others.," Kakyoin asked.
"Santana has the ability to extend his ribs to attack. He can also jump inside of humans to take over them. It is quite a disturbing bit of abilities that he controls.," the old man spoke, "I was barely able to defeat him in my youth, and Kars refers to him as a child, a mere dog." The air was heavy with the news of a new enemy. "Hopefully, he still does not know much. But, his ability to learn quickly makes him very dangerous.," the old man spoke.


(Y/n) held onto Santana's arm and walked through the castle with the youngest pillar man. He did not talk much and would stare most of the time. Until Wamuu asked him to spar with him. The blind woman would oversee their sparring just to get out of the room she had been confined to. She really did not leave the castle at all, not that Santana would let her outside. Esidisi teasingly told her that she "Made a friend." Kars gave her other tasks besides just finding the stone. Most of them were menial chores. Some were to find objects that had been misplaced by careless servants. The vampires took care if the cleaning of the castle, so she did not have to deal with that. She was made to fetch objects for Kars or one of the others if they wanted them. Her fear of the pillar men was still present, yet some faded. She no longer shook before them. The young woman had gotten a lot more comfortable with Santana, yet that tends to happen when two share a single place to sleep in.
Santana's stopped and sniffed the air, causing the young woman to stop. She also smelled the air, a faint scent of soap reached her nostrils. Someone was taking a bath in the luxury bath. More than likely it was Kars. That reminded (y/n) that she had not taken much of a bath except some sponge baths that Santana watched. She made sure he didn't see much except her back. She did wash Santana a bit when he asked for it, but only the back and hair. He had to get the rest himself.

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