Chapter twenty-four: wounded

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"How did you find me?," (y/n) asked as she was pulled back to the balcony by Santana, hoping she could distract him and give her time to contact the others. "Scent. My scent is on you. So is Wamuu's.," The youngest pillar answered. "How long have you been here?," the woman asked. "Waited for you to finish bathing.," the vermillion haired man's answer made her shudder. Santana was looking down over the balcony, seeing how he could get down without harming the woman. His hand was holding hers firmly as his scarlet eyes looked down. He felt his hand being removed from hers. "We're going back.," Santana said in a demanding tone, "Follow the night back." "Can't I get ready to go first? Like you said, we'll be in the dark for a while.," She replied, "We have time." Santana had a hard expression on him. His hand let go of her, allowing her to go in and got the outfit Wamuu made for her on.
Entropy a looked her see that Santana was alternating between watching her and looking down below to the streets. After she was done putting everything on, she walked back to the balcony where Santana was waiting. "Wamuu is down below.," the pillar man said and extended his hand. The young woman took a look into the future and took a breath. She jumped past the vermillion haired pillar man and used the balcony railing to push herself off. Santana quickly reached out to grab her. "(Y/n)!," she heard him yell. She used her stand to slow her descent and rolled on the ground to soften the impact.

She was in pain but she was not out of danger yet, if there were pillar men, there were vampires. She got up and started running. 'I have to find the others!,' she thought to herself and ran through the streets with her stand flying above her. Her boots tapped on the ground. She knew that they had a way to track her now. She had Both of the young warriors' scents on her. But how? When did they put a scent mark on her? She panted as she ran through the streets, trying to avoid humans and the pillar men that were tracking her. Where had they been hiding? Would they lose her if she hid in a crowd? Or would they not care about crowds and attack regardless? Her heart was pounding. They could come at her from any angle. The blind woman ran more, she remembered that her friends said they were going on a boat tour. Now where was the river?
She kept her ears out for any sign of the water and for her friends. She used her power to look around, her dead eyes were open as she looked around. She saw a sign that pointed towards the river and followed the signs to run closer to the river. Found the river. A boat was coming closer. She saw her friends on the boat, "Jotaro! Polnareff! Caesar!" Her voice must have gotten their attention as they looked towards her. She heard Joseph tell the boat driver to get closer. The boat got closer and the woman jumped onto the boat, Jotaro caught her and put her on the deck. The Japanese mix teen helped her stand. "Are you okay? Why are you not at the hotel?," Caesar asked, "Why are you wearing that again?" "Santana found me.," The young woman answered, "He and Wamuu are here, I only barely got away after tricking him to let me go to get ready."

"How did they find you?," Caesar asked as Joseph paid the boat driver for (y/n) riding on the boat. Polnareff was on edge and was on a lookout for any sign of the huge men that were after them. "By scent. Santana said that I had his scent on me, Wamuu's as well.," the blind woman replied and looked around with her stand as she clung to Jotaro. She was honestly scared for her life. She did not know if Santana was angry with her, and if he was, what would he do to her? "I don't see them around, but if they do have a scent trail to follow, that will make it more difficult for us to avoid them.," Joseph spoke, "Hamon is most effective against them." "(Y/n), did Santana mention why he was here, any reason besides retrieving you?," Caesar asked. "No. He just wanted to take me back to the castle.," the woman answered. Avdol looked around and Iggy sniffed the air, his back bristled and he growled. On the bank, following the river and the boat, was Wamuu. The warrior was keeping an eye on the boat.
"I see Wamuu. But, where is Santana?," Polnareff asked. Caesar took a few breaths. Joseph wrapped his stand around himself and (y/n) after doing a bit of Hamon breathing as well. The air was tense. Wamuu was waiting at the dock, just waiting for the boat to land. Joseph told the driver to dock at the other dock further down the line at the other side of the river. The driver did as asked and they got off of the boat.

EntropyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora