Chapter Thirty-three: Weisemann

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A small groan came from the human who was beside Wamuu. He was quiet as he observed her without moving. She rolled off of him and made a painful groan, "Ah... shit... my head.." "You still are affected by the alcohol.," Wamuu said as quietly as possible. "Why...," the young woman asked as she sat up, only to fall back down. She put her hands over her ears. "Lord Kars did not want you to feel what you would call a surgery.," Wamuu replied, "He fixed your legs and several other places. However, I was told that you still will die I you use your power twice more." "Shame. I would like to be free of my curse.," the woman groaned as she tried to get up again. She was supported by Wamuu as he got up as well. His warm and large body held her smaller and fragile one up. "You will feel discomfort for a brief period.," the blond warrior spoke and got up. His hand helped the human up, she felt him linger a little on her warm back. She held onto his much larger body for support.
She put on her sandals, which she did not realize were off. After getting ready and brushing her hair, she walked out of Wamuu's room on fixed legs. It did not hurt anymore, she felt stronger somehow. (Y/n) also felt a little bit hungry and thirsty. Something that could be easily fixed. The young woman held onto Wamuu's arm. Like she had done before. This time felt a little different, however. Together she and Wamuu walked down the hallways. She did not see green eyes looking at her every once and a while, but she did feel the glances taken.

A voice cut the silence, a bright voice. "Good evening, Master Wamuu!," the voice matched the vampire (y/n) had met in the cellar, Kars's cupbearer. The young woman groaned. "Ah, Suffering a hangover huh?," the vampire said with a softer tone, "I wondered why lord Kars wanted you to drink some of it. It's powerful." "Surgery.," the woman told the vampire with a soft voice, "Fix my legs." Wamuu lightly tugged her to follow him. She did not argue with the much more powerful pillar man's silent order. Her head was still hurting from being a little hungover. (Y/n) just wanted peace and quiet. "The sun has not yet set.," Wamuu spoke, "You will have a little time to heal before we leave." "Thank you, Wamuu.," The blinded woman spoke and followed the warrior, holding onto his arm as they walked through the old castle. His footsteps and hers seemed to meld together as they walked.
"That was an unusual vampire. His eyes are a pretty purple color instead of red like the others.," the blind woman spoke. "His eyes used to be a blue color. When the red of the vampires was added to them, they turned purple.," wamuu said. "Interesting.," The young woman smiled as she recognized the path they were taking, "The study?" "Yes. I need to speak to lord Kars.," the blond warrior replied, "You can wait on one of the furniture outside of the study." "I will.," (y/n) spoke.

Voices of vampires speaking came and went as the two traversed the halls. Wamuu stopped before the door to the study and let the human woman let go of his arm so she could find a seat to sit on. He went into the study as soon as she was sat and comfortable. This meeting with his master was not for her ears. She heard muffled voices as Kars and Wamuu talked. The wound woman wondered what they were speaking of. She let go of that thought and remembered what visions she had of the cemetery that the stone was hidden in. It seemed familiar. She had seen it before. Somehow, she knew it. She remembered the sign. Willow hills. Willow hills cemetery. Why was that familiar to her? She was pulled out of her thoughts by the sound of footsteps heading towards her. It was not Santana nor Esidisi. It had to be a vampire. (Y/n) was still under the effects of the hangover. She heard the vampire walk closer and closer, hoping he would walk past her.
Her wish was not granted as his steps moved towards her. Getting closer. Changing direction to beeline to her. She needed to defend herself some way. The vampire stopped right before her, "Master Kars and Wamuu are in the study. I am under their protection, don't attempt to harm me." "Never had an interest to anyway.," came the voice of the cupbearer, "Hold out your hand. I got you a cure for your hangover." The young woman did as asked and felt a small bottle be put into her hand. She closed her fingers around the bottle and took the cork off to smell it. It smelled a little bitter and sour. She felt another body hit the cushion beside her. "I'm used to dealing with hungover people.," the vampire spoke, "That cure is from my experience." "That's kind of you to give this to me.," the young woman spoke.

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