Chapter ten: The fourth pillar

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Polnareff paced, barely containing his concern. "Do you think she is okay? She must be scared to death. Why the hell would they take her?," the silver Frenchman rambled as he paced around the arena. Caesar stopped him, "Jean. Stop and calm down." The silver haired Frenchman looked at the blond Italian. Caesar had his attention, "(y/n) is a strong young woman. She should be okay. I they took her alive, they more than likely will not hurt her." Joseph let out a sigh, "They want to use her power to find the Red Stone of Aja."
Caesar looked back at his old friend and gave a nod, "I thought the same. If she is able to find anything with her power, she would be invaluable to them. They won't risk losing their chance to find that." Kakyoin spoke up, "Just what is the red stone?"

Joseph looked to his red haired friend, "Like the name implies, it is a red colored stone. However, it has been lost to history. If Kars and the others still seek it, they need the power of a clairvoyant like (y/n) to find it." "Just what do they want with it?," Jotaro asked, "If it is that important, then it has to do something." "They want to finish their masks. The mask that turned DIO into a vampire over one hundred years ago was originally created by Kars.," Caesar explained, "He made it in a hope to conquer the sun, the only thing he knew that was lethal to his race. But it was not enough to make him immune to the sun. He needs the stone to supercharge the mask and unlock the true power of it."
The mere mention of DIO put everyone on edge. "So, Kars is the reason that bastard became a vampire?," Jotaro asked. "Indeed.," Joseph replied. "Then that means that everything we have been through was because of Kars.," Kakyoin mused, "What a bizarre history." "How long will (y/n) be safe?," Avdol asked. "As long as Kars finds some use for her.," Joseph answered, "I know that Wamuu will not hurt her as she is a woman and that would break his code of honor." "I hope she is safe.," Polnareff murmured. "Your girlfriend will be fine.," Jotaro spoke and pulled his hat down to rest from his training.


(Y/n) lay in the pile of pillows and blankets, covered by a thick duvet. Her eyes closed and her mind set on finding the stone. Her closed eyes opened as she looked towards the door. Wamuu had stepped in. "(Y/n), have you found anything?," the pillar man asked and sat near her. She sat up and faced him, "Did not find the stone. I instead found some pirate treasure and jewels in a tomb of a important person.," the young woman replied, "I'm still looking." "Hm. Tell me," the warrior spoke like he was speaking to a child, "you can see and find things. Could you tell me what you can see now?" "I could. I have been able to multitask.," the young woman spoke.
"Could you tell me what you see now?," the warrior asked. "Right now? I see... a cavern of some sort. Ornate carvings are covering the walls.," the young woman answered, "It is beautiful and eerie at the same time. I can see murals on the walls now. A look into the lives of this past civilization. There are jewels embedded into the walls. They look to be some sort of deep green stone and some obsidian." Wamuu listened to her speak as she used her power to explore this faraway place. "I see a stone case, like a coffin. I think this is another tomb.," The woman said and made a face like she was straining, "There's a skeleton inside of the case, it has sharp teeth. A mask is in its hands. The mask looks to be made of stone."

"A stone mask? This must have been a place we have been before.," the warrior spoke, "The red stone would not be there." "Okay then. Mexico is not where it is.," the young woman spoke and made a face like she was straining again. "Does it hurt?," the warrior asked. (Y/n) was surprised by the sudden question, "Hurt?" "Your ability. Does it hurt to use?," the pillar man asked once more. "I guess it does a little. It's like controlling two bodies at once with only one brain. Plus, the further I go away from where I am and the constant use of my power, it is tiring.," The young woman reponded, "Yet, I am scared of not using it. Blindness... is limiting. I can't see around me, it induces anxiety and loneliness."
The woman was quiet before she spoke to the man before her again, "I know that I will be killed as soon as my usefulness is no more. I'm scared to die as much as I am of isolation." Wamuu was also quiet as he listened to her. He did not have anything to do, so he came to listen to what the woman would be able to see. She made a face like she was straining once more, she was again searching. "You're still searching, even though you know that you will be killed?," Wamuu asked.

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