Chapter Thirty-six: Mission complete.

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The blind young woman felt a large hand on her shoulder as Wamuu's voice spoke to her. "(Y/n).," the blond pillar man spoke and helped the woman off of the floor. He felt her tears drip onto his skin as he got her to hold onto his arm for support. "We'll go look for the stone tonight. We, especially you, have to rest.," the blond warrior spoke, "Santana is getting a little impatient." The blind woman wiped her eyes of the tears that were flowing. She followed Wamuu back to the basement. Exhaustion finally starting to grip her. Her arms gripped Wamuu's arm in a tight grasp as they descended the stairs. The young woman heard Santana's huff when they reached the basement. "You made a mess.," Wamuu spoke plainly. "Not comfortable. Too small.," Santana replied as Wamuu got to the bottom of the stairs. (Y/n) wondered what Santana did to her basement. "So you made one bigger?," Wamuu asked and got a tired and annoyed huff from the other warrior.
The blind young woman felt Wamuu nudge her to walk forward. She knew that they all needed sleep. Especially after being up for a while past their time to rest. The young woman felt the pile of pillows and blankets Santana made on the floor, an attempt to make a bed like they had back at the castle. The pile felt soft. He did a good job. The young woman felt a large hand grab hers before she was pulled down onto the cushion. She wanted to argue with this rough treatment, but it would fall on deaf ears as both warriors were on the cushion and fell asleep. Santana had a possessive grip on her, Wamuu was more passive but still maintained contact with her by holding her hand.

With her free hand, (y/n) patted Santana's hair as he was laying his head on her chest as usual. The breathing of the warrior warmed her skin as he slept. The deep breathing of the two with her made her feel a little more relaxed while her head swam with questions and concerns. Concerns about her future if the pillar men win, the future if the Joestars won. Questions and concerns she wanted answered. (Y/n) felt a silent yawn escape her lips and snuggled lightly into the two with her. It was strangely comfortable. She did not even notice that she was no longer awake. Peace was with them. A peace that would only be temporary. Something that would be broken in several hours.


Polnareff and Kakyoin walked away from the house together after seeing their friend. Her health was concerning both of them. She was very pale and kind of malnourished looking. "Polnareff, we'll need to get some rest before tonight.," Kakyoin told his french companion. The Frenchman nodded quietly. He was worried for the young woman. He remembered the kiss she gave him. Even though it was a bit of a tease, he felt care in that kiss. He was quiet as he and Kakyoin walked back to the vehicle they used to drive there. They heard someone calling them. They saw a neighbor waving them over and walked over to the elderly woman and her husband. "We saw you at that old house. We thought it was abandoned after the accident.," the woman spoke, "But last night I saw the daughter of the couple who used to live there and some strange people enter it." "You could tell it was her?," Polnareff asked. "Of course. I used to look after her when she was a child. Strange girl, but she was pretty harmless.," the older woman spoke, "Why were you looking at her home?" "We're friends of hers.," Kakyoin replied. The old woman sighed, "Then you know of her ability, correct?" "Her ability to see the future, yes.," The red haired teen spoke, "Her ability alerted us to something we needed to take care of." "She has saved a few people with that ability. Her predictions never faltered.," the old man spoke up, "Saved my hide by warning me of the venomous snake nest in the garden out back."
"Sounds like she had a good support here.," Kakyoin commented. "People used to ask her about what their lives would be like in the future, all of her predictions were true.," the old man responded, "But she could never find any future for herself." "Remember she was hospitalized with horrible anemia?," the old lady asked her husband, "The doctors could not find any reason for it at all. Her blood cells were perfectly healthy."

"It has to be a side effect of her power.," Polnareff said, "She is looking pale and sick again." "Then we have to get her help as soon as possible.," Kakyoin spoke and turned to the elderly couple, "Thank you." The elderly couple bid the two goodbye and the two men walked away. "She has been using her power almost nonstop since she was blinded. Who knows what damage she has done.," Kakyoin spoke. The two went back to town to tell the others what they heard. Joseph had found similar stories from (y/n)'s former classmates. The group took a small trip to the graveyard to look around. It was a beautiful graveyard. Mausoleums and stones were arranged neatly among flowers and willow trees. Small ponds were in the dips of the hill that made up the graveyard. "My mother's grave is here somewhere.," Joseph spoke and looked around, "There are hundreds of graves." "How are we going to find your mother's grave?," Polnareff asked, "I hate to say it, but (y/n) would be helpful as she is native to this area and knows the layout of the graves."
"Her knowledge will be used by the pillar men once they emerge from their rest.," Avdol commented. "Even worse, tonight's a festival for the town. There will be people around.," Jotaro sighed, "We were even invited to join the festivities." "These people are friendly.," Kakyoin spoke, "perhaps even to a fault." "We should get some rest and be ready for the festivities tonight. As well as the coming battle. Ceasar already got us some hotel rooms to stay in.," Joseph said.

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