Chapter thirty-five: Hometown

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The dark cargo hold the the jumbo commercial flight was cold. The outfit that barely covered the blind woman did not help keep her warm. Her body was becoming numb to the cold. Santana's strong arms gripped her tightly around her waist. He was the only warmth in the cold plane. Engines roared as the plane flew to its destination, closer to their goal. The goal that would end life as humanity knew it. Humanity felt distant from the young woman as she stayed with these ancient inhuman men. (Y/n)'s hands held her small bag and felt the broad chest she was held against. Ancient language spilled from Kars' lips as he conversed with Esidisi and Wamuu. He either did not talk to Santana or just let Santana converse if he wanted to.
The plane lurched as it began to descend. Santana gripped the human in his arms tighter. She was closer to home. Closer to the stone. Closer to the end. She felt the plane stop and the engines power down as she was picked up and carried. The loud clash of the metal sounded as Kars used his blades to cut the cargo hold open. Santana and the others let out of the cargo hold and followed the human woman's directions to the town they would find the stone at. The blind woman hugged Santana's neck as they moved quickly over the countryside.

It was not long before they did come upon the small civilization. The young woman directed them to her home and told where she had a hidden key. Esidisi was the one who unlocked the door and went in first. The dark skinned man commented on how clean it was, not any dust or grime. Santana set the young woman down but did not let go of her hand, he pulled her along and asked about rooms and items in the house after describing them to the blind woman and letting her feel them. She answered his questions as they came. She showed them each room and explained the uses for them. She was glad her home was relatively large, enough room for this enormous men to move around freely. However it was not as big as the castle that they had previously been living in. Kars and Esidisi agreed to stay in the attic as Santana and Wamuu would stay in the basement so all of them could be safe from the sun as both storage facilities in the house were safe from sunlight. She gave them extra bedding and pillows to make them comfortable as they hid from the rising sun.
She knew she had to purchase items to block the sun from shining into her home to keep her masters safe. (Y/n) stopped as she realized what had just crossed her mind. A cold chill ran through her body as she ran over her own thought processes. Masters. Not true! She did not have any masters! These creatures of the night were not over her, they were not her masters! She was only doing this to survive. She was independent. She was strong. She was cold.

She was scared. She was weak.

(Y/n) shivered. She let these monsters into her childhood home. Her safe place. It was no longer safe. She felt the sun as it rose and filtered through the windows. Birds chirped. It was a new day in her hometown. But she could not sleep yet. She needed to go purchase food for herself and scope the area out. It was going to be hard to do while blind. She pulled down the curtains that darkened the house a lot more, not that she could notice with her blinded eyes. She closed the last curtain when she heard a knock at the door. She carefully made her way to the front door and opened it, "Hello?" "Oh, goodness. I did not expect someone home.," Came a voice. "Excuse me, but who are you? I can't see anything since the accident.," (y/n) asked. The voice gasped, "I'm a hired cleaner, I was told that the house was unoccupied and needed cleaning." "I moved back in last night. Who hired you?," the blind woman asked. "I was hired by the Speedwagon foundation. But, since you are back, I was told to give you a number to call so you can get your financial situation in order.," The cleaner replied and stopped, "Wait, you can't read this since your uh.." "injury? You can give it to me. I'll have someone read it to me.," the young woman said and reached put her hand slowly. She felt a small packet be placed into her hand.
"Is it okay if I come inside? You don't mind do you?," the cleaner asked. "I don't mind. But stay away from the Attic and Basement.," the young woman replied and felt her way back inside. She heard the cleaner follow her in. "Miss uh.. (y/n)? Are you not embarrassed with what you are wearing?," the cleaner asked. The blind woman 'looked' back at the cleaner, "Honestly, I have not noticed. I've gotten used to it." The young blind woman listened as the cleaner moved around the house and tidied things up. The cleaner was there for about an hour or two before leaving. The blind woman thanked the hired cleaner and shut the door. "Now to get changed and go into town!," She chimed to herself.

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