Chapter 2

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Meanwhile with Izuku’s classmates, they were all on edge. They wanted to go and find their friend but they had no leads. Bakugou hadn’t spoken or yelled at them since Izuku left. They were worried.

“Alright. Bakugou. What happened before Midoriya disappeared?” Aizawa-sensei asked his student.

Bakugou just stared. When he spoke a few minutes later, he only said one thing. “America.”

“America? What do you mean America? Is he in America?” Iida questioned, earning a nod from the ash-nette.

“What’s he doing in America?” Sero asked.

“Doesn’t his father live there?” Tokoyama asked, he won’t admit it but he was worried too.

“Oh yea, he does. Midoriya mentioned it once when I helped carry him home one day.” Shoji said. Sato nodded from next to him, having walked with them to give Mama Inko some sweets.

A quite high voice spoke up. “Will he r-return?” Koda asked. 

Tsu nodded. “Of course he will, kero. He always returns to us.”

“I miss his sparkle~” said a sad less sparkly Aoyama. 

“I didn’t realise how important his positivity was until it was gone..” Mina said quietly.

“I miss his manliness..” Kirishima said, crying a bit.

“I miss him..” Kaminari said, shielding his face from view.

“I miss studying with him..” Momo said quietly.

“I miss seeing him stand up for other people..” Mineta said, earning some stares which he ignored and stayed away from the group.

“I miss his friendship..” Jiro said.

“I miss seeing him stand up to villains..” Ojiro said.

“I miss his softness..” Kouda said shyly.

“I miss his niceness..” Uraraka said sadly.

“I miss seeing his smile after a long night..” Iida said quietly.

“I miss his encouragement after a fight with my father..” Todoroki said from his seat, trying not to show his face.

“I miss his light in the dark..” Tokoyami said.

“I miss his encouraging smile when I’m feeling insecure.” said Tsu.

“I miss when he would tell us how great of a job we did even if we failed and got detention..” Shoji said quietly.

“I miss when he would make me feel seen when no one talked to me that day..” Toru said.

“I miss when he’d help me clean up my tape after training..” Sero said. “He would always help me even when he had extra training to do after..”

“I remember him helping us when Dark Shadow got out of control..he always sacrificed himself to save us..” Tokoyama said. 

“I didn’t want to admit it but, I miss when he’d help calm you guys down so I could sleep…” Aizawa said from his sleeping bag.

“I think all of us miss him for different reasons, but we need to learn how to continue without him. I know it’ll be hard, but we need to learn how to function without him with us. As much as it’ll hurt, we need to try to move on.” Momo said, holding back her tears as she tried to seem strong.

“He held us together, let’s not fall apart again now that he’s gone.” Iida said.

“Stop talking about him like he’s dead! He just moved! He’ll call when he’s ready!” Bakugou said, quietly sobbing in his seat knowing that Midoriya could die in America and they wouldn’t know until about a week later.

Todoroki went over to Bakugou and started whispering words of encouragement that Midoriya said would help him calm down. 

“...He’s right. I know it seems like he’s gone forever, but he just moved. He isn’t dead. He’s not going to die. He’s fine.” Mina said, now sitting in her seat.

“...I miss him..” Uraraka said, crying softly in her seat as Iida tried to comfort her.

“We all do..” Mineta said from his seat, curled up in a ball, crying silently.

“We know his exact location!” All Might said from the door.

“What do you mean? He’s in America..” Hagakura said, her invisible tears covering her sleeves of the uniform.

“I mean..we know exactly where he is! The state, everything! He lives in-”

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