My face softened. That was sweet of her. I stepped to the side to let her in. "Oh. I'm fine, thank you for checking, Jes. Just a misunderstanding."

"What happened to your lip?" She grabbed my face with her hand and turned it to examine it better, sounding genuinely concerned and acting like a big sister. "And your neck? How'd you get scratches on your neck? Did you two get in a fight?"

Shit. I forgot all about busting my own lip yesterday. And the damn claw marks Jade left on my throat, that hurt so damn good. My cheeks reddened thinking about it.

"Ummm no we didn't... it's an um... long story." I replied.

"What—" She started but snapped her mouth shut when Jade's voice echoed through the room.

"Oh, hey, Jes." Jade said.

We both turned to see her gliding across the room toward the kitchen, wrapped in nothing but a satin sheet, holding cans of whipped cream and eating our leftover strawberries like it was a normal thing.

Both of our jaws dropped.

Jesy looked at Jade, then looked at me and I blushed even harder. She squinted her eyes in Jade's direction.

"Are those... are those scratches on her back and shoulders? And strawberries and—is that what happened to your lip and neck?" Her mouth and eyes were now wide. "God, you are like teenagers! Don't you ever get tired?! I take it you two are okay then?"

"More than okay. Right, baby?" Jade had returned and walked up behind me, still holding onto her sheet with one hand, and wrapping the other, with a strawberry in it around my neck.

She kissed my cheek then pulled the strawberry to her mouth, tightening her arm around my neck at the same time. We both knew what she was doing, and the possessiveness of it all just melted me.

Jesy looked dumbfounded as she got a closer view of Jade's skin.

"Those ARE scratches! All over you! Deep scratches! Oh my god, you two are animals!" She shouted. "I still want to know what happened to your lip."

"Oh you didn't tell her, babe?" Jade laughed. "Perrie here—" I shut her up the only way I knew how. With a kiss.

"I'm happy that everything's alright between you two. I'm gonna head out." Jesy said.

"Wait. Seriously, Jes. Thanks for checking in. That means a lot to me." I smiled, pulling away from Jade, savoring the taste of the strawberries on her lips.

"Anytime, baby cuz. I should go." She replied.

"Since you're here, why don't you stay for breakfast? I was just about to make Pez something." Jade said.

"What's with you two? Does nobody own a watch around here? It's after 12!" Jesy shouted and Jade and I laughed.

Jade shrugged. "Well then, stay for lunch... we had a long night." She smirked.

"Will you be putting on clothes?" Jesy asked, raising her brow.

"Wouldn't dream if it." Jade winked.

"Then I'm definitely staying. I was actually gonna go pick up lunch. But I would love it if you cooked for me instead, Jade." Jesy batted her eyelashes and I rolled my eyes.

"Good. Right this way." Jade reached her hand out for Jesy and she took it without hesitation.

She led her to the table in the kitchen and I followed behind them, still rolling my eyes.

Jesy and I laughed and talked at the table with Jade occasionally chiming in, but still focusing on her cooking. Though it was apparently past breakfast time, I could still smell the bacon and eggs she was frying. And of course the pancakes.

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