Chapter 27 - Jichu The Great Counsellor

Start from the beginning

Mr Joe chuckled at her antics and return the hug as well. "Yes, a couple of weeks too long if you ask me. I was beginning to worry if you have forgotten about me, Miss Jisoo." 

"Nonsense," Jisoo release our butler from her hug and slapped his shoulder, "I thought I've made it clear to not call me that again!" That caused Mr Joe to let out another round of chuckles. With a few shake of disapproval, he ignores Jisoo's complain entirely and turned towards the living room. 

"Miss Kim, Miss Jisoo has arrived." 

After that all I heard was footsteps, and seconds later a body suddenly plops itself rather ungracefully on the sofa, causing me to almost drop my phone. "Woah, careful there, Miss Jisoo. You wouldn't want to destroy a good piece of expensive tech here." I joked and place my phone on the coffee table where it is safe from this destructive monster. 

"Miss Jisoo? I'll show you 'Miss Jisoo'!" was the final words before hell landed upon me. 

"Oh shit... " 

We fooled around a bit, which cause us to bring a little bit of chaos in the living room with all the screaming and laughing. It has been a long time since I last allowed myself to be this childish, so it's nice to be doing that again, despite the whole situation back at the office. 

As we slowly calm down, Jisoo seems to take notice of the papers and laptop I have both on the coffee table and the sofa. "Well, someone's been busy," she altered her eyes from the mess and stared me in the eyes, and started with a small smile. "What's wrong? It isn't like you to be worrying about work on your off day." It's funny, even though I have known Jisoo for so many years already her ability to sense people still stuns me. And if she found my reaction amusing, she didn't hide it, not one bit at all as she giggles openly to my dumbfounded face. "Jennie, we have been friends since forever, you're practically my little sister. Of course, I would know something was wrong with just a few looks here and there." 

Her comment did the trick to pull me out from my dazed state. Unfortunately, it also did raise the same question in my head ever since he reappeared into my life. "Honestly, I don't know whether I should be relieved or scared by your point," I admitted with a sad smile. 

A little taken back by my words, Jisoo unnie frowned, "What do you mean?" 

"It's Jimin. He's back, unnie..." 


"Heh, I can't believe it. After months of disappearance, he's really back huh," was what Jisoo said after I told her the event occurred back in my room. "What is he trying again, aish!" Unnie exclaimed while rubbing her temple as she leans back against the soft cushion. Feeling a bit dishearted myself, I too lay back down the couch with my side resting against unnie's.  

Suddenly, Jisoo snapped her head towards me. Without even looking at her, I can sense the concern radiating from her eyes. "How are you feeling then, Jennie?" 

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