19 - Dinner

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"What? " I said after a short silent. I don't need a mirror to see that I'm wearing a confused expression, because I am.  What is she up too again....? 

"You heard me, chief. Let me go on a date with your partner, only then I will do what you said. Plain and simple. "  Tee smug. The face of hers now is very tempting for me to put my fist in it, forcefully. 

"You're asking the wrong person, Tee. " I said, not really know how to deflect her request while still get her to do the task I sat her to. 

Tee gets the meaning and went to where Lisa's sitting. She only stopped when she's about two step away from my bodyguard or assistance or whatever you would like to call it. Lisa doesn't know how to react so she just blinks at Teena's awfully close present. But Teena just smiles at her, pushing her to greet first. 

"Um... Hi..? " Lisa said with a confused tone.  The rebel didn't said anything and just simply hold out her hand. Lisa shift her confused gaze from the annoying face to the hand. Lisa looks back up again once she shaken the annoying rebel's hand. 

"Hi, my name's Tee Hilda. Would you like to go on a date with me? " She asked so casually. Lisa was about to open her mouth to speak but stooped when Tee leans towards her ear and said something. I wish I knew what it was cause it's so frustrating to watch Teen there messing with my bodyguard. When she finally leans back before I jump over there and do it for her but more forcefully, Lisa frowns a bit. 

Ha! You made her angry. Nice try, you idiotic Teena. Lisa wouldn't give in that easi- 

"Okay. I guess I'll go on a date with you. " Lisa replies without the frown anymore. 

What. The. Fuck?! 

Tee nodded while smiling. She then faces me as she leaves Lisa, "Well then chief, I will be sure to do the task. Oh, and Lisa, right? Don't worry about the details, I will find you later at work. Bye." Without my permission, Tee just left the room. More importantly, how could Lisa just give in so easily like that??! She should have hesitate a bit but she didn't. Why? 

I was so in my thoughts that I didn't notice my name being called several times. 

"Miss Kim. Jennie? Hey Jennie.... " Lisa called out while she's shanking my left shoulder, pulling me back from my clouded mind. 

"H-huh? What? " I asked. 

"Tzuyu just tuned in saying that you have about 10 minutes left before your meeting with the marketing department. Are you okay? " She said with a concerned look. Maybe it's because of the frown on my face due to the fact that I couldn't solve the mystery. But she didn't need to know that.  

"Yeah, I'm fine. Help me gather the two blue files over there. " With all the necessary documents in our hands we head to the marketing department's meeting room located at the 10th floor. 

The day then went by foggily, it only cleared out when I got a phone call from none other than the great Jichu. Then it hits me. I got a dinner night with my gang tonight. How did I even forget  this. We talked a bit, and while we're at it Jisoo keeps telling me to bring Lisa over, saying that she and the others would love to get to know her. 

Yeah right, they most likely just want to tease me. 

My original plan was to let Lisa drive me home so that I'll go to the the dinner alone, cause I do not want to deal with all the fussing and teasing. After a shower and an outfit change, I came to the door only to see Lisa again. What the...? 

Base on the attire she wore before is now changed to a beautiful mini dress, she definitely gone home, but why is she's here again. I didn't call her. But this is actually the first time I seen her in a dress. She normally just wears pants due to the terms of her work, so this is new. Damn... She looks so different. Not in a bad way but a very, very good way. 

Turns out Mr. Joe requested her to be my driver for the night, saying that our driver is currently not available, which it's totally a lie. I mean I just need to make a call and a driver will arrive at my doorstep in just minutes. Sometimes I just don't what's going in the man's head. 

So here we are, In one of my favourite restaurant, with my friends bombarding Lisa with numerous of comments and questions. Why am I friends with them again? 

"Hey, hey, chill out. Can we at least sit down properly first? We just walked in you know. " I said and shoo them back to their seats. Lisa just smiles at me,  as a thank you for save her form the questions. 

After Lisa sits down beside me, I start to introduce Lisa to them in a more proper manner. "So guys, this is Lisa, my bodyguard. Despite that she also helps me with my work, so I guess she's my assistant too? " I said it more like a question then a statement, which cracked some chuckles from them. I called out to Lisa as she finished her greeting, giving her a little smile, "And Lisa, these are my friends. On my left that's siting facing everyone is Yeri. The one on your right is Nayeon, my lawyer friend. That tall-ass girl over there is Joy. And... um... " My voice faints away as I saw the unoccupied seat in front of Lisa. 

"Jisoo? Who's seat is that? " I got confused by the empty space between Joy and Jisoo. Cause if I remember correctly, there is no one else left. 

Jisoo heard me and unbury her nose from the menu. She's been doing that while I'm introducing everyone? Very polite, Jichu. "Hm? Oh that's my secretary's. I invited her over because I lost a bet early today and I have to buy her food. So, I figure I'll just bring her here. Sorry, I got caught up with my work and forgot to mention it to you. Nice to meet you though, Li- " 

"Lisa? " A girl said as she approach us. Just as the girl got close enough for me to define her appearance, I felt movements from my side. 

"Oh my god! Rosie? " Lisa stood up and ran to hug the girl, and the girl gladly hugged her back. The gesture of them only make us more puzzled. Seems like this dinner is getting further and further away from my expectation. And I do not like it. 


Hey guys! Sorry about delaying this update for so long. My mind just kinda blank out  whenever I write this chapter. There's actually more that I wanted to add in this chapter, but it would be too long. So I guess I'll see you in the next chapter, whenever that may be. Bye!

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