12 - Regret

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"I need to get something. Stay here. " Without even hearing my reply Jennie left the car.

I was going to listen to her and stay inside the car then I remember that I'm suppose to follow her.  God, how can I forget?  So I told the guard to look after the car and went after her.

"What do you want Jimin? " There's another man in there. I don't know if its a good idea to interrupt them so I stay hidden outside.

Even though I'm outside I can still feel the tension inside the room. I can't really see Jennie's face but I can surely tell she's pissed.

The Jimin guy doesn't want to leave the room and got even closer to Jennie. That alerted both me and Jennie, so I stepped in to make my present seen.

"Then you be kicked out by me. "

The guy looks surprise. He wanted to know who I am but I just want him to leave Jennie alone. He even dares to glare at me when he leaves.  What a gentle man huh?

Jennie look troubled. That's not a good sign. I walk over to her and hold her hand hoping that will calm her. I wanted to brush the hair that's blocking her face but I stopped me for doing that I might make the situation worse.

"Are you alright? Did he hurt you? " I asked, looking into her gorgeous eyes. It will look even more beautiful if the frown isn't present. 

"I'm fine. Let's go. " she sigh and we began to walk to the car, hand in hand. This is weirdly isn't awkward for me. Normally I don't like people to touch me when we're not that close. But this surely isn't the case. I'm even enjoying it too. Okay that's weird. 

We're inside elevator now, I felt that she's still tensed. I don't her to feel that way. I rub my thumb on her soft hand trying to somehow calm her, telling her I'm here. Jennie just sigh again and hold my hand slightly tighter.  At least she's relaxed a bit. 

The silence  in the air is making me uneasy. That guy really effected her. Normally we'll being bickering over some small things by now. I need to do something cause the frowning face of hers is bothering me. Then an idea crossed my mind. 

I waited until we're about to reach a pit stop and, "Fuck! I need the toilet! Pull up now! "   She immediately stop the car letting me run to the toilet that's beside the store. Once I notice that she's not watching I change my route to the store. I pushed the door with a bit too much force causing the people to look at me. Oops.. 

I just awkwardly fake a laugh and start my quest to find my happy item. Its not something rare so I found it in record time. I always have this coco bar whenever I feel sad or just not in the mood. I was about to leave when a tiny figure caught my eyes. 

"How much is that? " I asked the shopkeeper while pointing at the cute key chain.

"Oh that? Sorry its not for sale. " The man spoke with coldness. 

"Eh?! Why? " 

"Its a limited collection form the movie so I ca- " I cut him off.   

"But I need it. Please. Or else she'll be moody though out the whole day worse, the whole week! " I plea as I remember the time when Jennie was pissed cause some guy from the company didn't approve her proposal, causing many problems. And man, did she freaked the heck out of me.  Whenever I say or did something wrong she would glare at me as if she could kill me in any second. She only became normal when she receives a call from a friend.  

The man only chuckle at me. "Judging by your expression you got it bad right? "  Er... what?  

"Don't worry kid I'll help you out. Here, just take it. Hope it'll turn out alright with you guys. " He winked and pass me the keychain.  Okay..? 

"Thanks. " I said although I don't really understand him. But who cares. I got the things so I run back to the car. 

I pass her the coco bar but she just stares at it like I put something in it to poison her. Seriously, this girl. 

Finally she accepts it. I also hand her the cute key chain that the shopkeeper was kind enough to give me. I can't explain how her eyes lights up the moment she saw the figure. 

I thought she'll only smile at me but she suddenly started laughing like I done something funny. 

"Why are you laughing? "  I said. I didn't know that this question will make me regret so much. 

"Did you just said 'Fuck, I need the toilet. Pull up now!' just to buy these for me? I thought you were going to shit yourself just then. "  How does she knows that? And how the fuck can she said that?! 

"No- I mean yes. I mean- Ugh...! " I try to denial it but my embarrassment got the best of me. Arrgh...! Why did I even do this for her?  

 I thought Jennie will stop here but no, she teased me even more. 

"Yah! If you don't want it then give it back. "  Damn it! Why she use the Porsche and not use the god damn M4 today?!  That way she can't escape from my arms.  After several minutes of struggling I gave up. 

"I hate you. " I murmur.  I face the window and pout. Don't judge me okay. I got every right to do this. 

Jennie told me to fasten my seat belt but I ignore her and just ask for the location we're heading to. I really have no idea as she won't even talk to me before. "To the airport, " she said and starts driving without waring me, purposely. I almost hit my head but thank god I held on just in time. 

Yes she's back to the old Jennie self now but I kinda regret it now. Why does hot girls have this attitude like hers? 

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