17 - Incident

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We laughed so hard after Lisa thrown out her lame joke. Our walk towards the car was filled with laughter making the walk less creepy. The place where I parked my car is very quite despite the amount of the cars there. And when we first stepped out of the car I can't help but to feel a chill down my spine. I don't about Lisa but this bother the hell out of me.  The short walk was fine until my bodyguard's smile slowly turn into a scowl while she looks beyond my side.   

"What's wrong? Lisa?  " I asked when she suddenly pull me closer to her. 

"There's people following us. Keep walking but stay close to me. " Lisa said with caution while still eyeing  the same direction. 

I obey her words and hope who ever it is will not interfere us. I am so done with all this kidnapping, fighting assholes business. I even broke my record for not getting into trouble in a complete month. Now the history is repeating itself?  So fun...

"How many are there?  " I asked out of irritation. Does my face seriously only attract bad guys? Jesus! 

She looks at me and wear an amused smile for a second before answering, "About 5, I think. " 

"You think you can take them if they really came for us? " I said. She then starts to smirk but not saying anything so I assume she'll do fine. 

We quicken our pace to the car. Even though we might be able to take them down it's just nicer to not fight and go home without any bruise you know. I don't want to end up in the hospital. Ugh, the smell of the hospital. 

Its just a couple steps away form the car when we started to hear the footsteps behind us. And when I was about to turn my head, a hand from behind suddenly covers my nose and mouth with a cloth containing some kind of medicine. Out of reflexes, I quickly step on the person's foot and bump my head backwards with force. This is enough for the person to loose his hold and trip back. I shift my vision to my other side only to find a man on the ground near Lisa, so I assume the said man did the same to her, but of course she got out of it faster than I did. 

"You okay there Jen? "  Lisa said as two men fall in front of her.

"Yea- ," I was about to answer her but got interrupt by yet another hand, this time with no cloth.  Just fucking let me speak! 

I had enough of this. They just keep on irritating me. I saw Lisa trying to come and help me but there's another man with a bigger build pulls her towards him. Preventing her to save me. 

"Come here you! You think you're strong? You brat! " The kidnapper said as he grip on her blouse and punches her. I could just wait for her to finish that guy and let her save me, but that's so not me. No one. And I said NO ONE can just mess with me and not pay the price. 

Without second thought I strike the man's lower abdomen with my elbow, putting   every  single   irritation I felt today, and I guarantee that it will hurt. His grip loosen and I quickly grab his arm by the bicep, kneeling down I then throw him using my back and the momentum created. Before he even knows it, his already taking all the punches I throw at his ugly face. That's for ruining my good time with Lisa. 

"ARHHH!!! " A loud male's scream filled the parking lot, making me stopped from devastating the ugly bastard's face. I don't know for sure but I think he passed out, but he doesn't concern me right now.  Turning my head, I try to find the source of the squeal. It didn't took long for me to find it as I figured that its Lisa's doing.

"Had enough? " Lisa said to the cocky kidnapper as she put his left arm in an arm lock, which looks really painfully. 

"Arg...! Y-yes! Its breaking, let go!!! " The kidnapper cries.

Lisa smirk at his response and release him. The kidnapper then fled away to the parking lot filled with vehicles.  After Lisa saw his back slowly blur away, she came in front of me, wearing a worried gaze. I saw her move her hand a bit, but she stopped a second later. Maybe its my eyes playing with me. 

"Y-you didn't tell me you could fight. " Lisa said with a slightly pitched voice of hers.  

"Well how you suppose that I could get away from every encounter before? "  My right brow lifted as I look at her with amused smirk. Wondering what kind of answer she would delivery. 

"Luck, I guess. " Her reply cause me to chuckle a bit, making the atmosphere light and somewhat comforting.  

"You have qui- Watch out! "  Out of nowhere, the cocky kidnapper from before pops out from a car. But this time he bought a police stick..? Where the hell did he get that?!  He even attempted to ambush Lisa. Not wanting him to hurt her I quickly pull her to my side. Because of the force I used and the weird footing, Lisa end up tripping.  

"Shit! Lisa- " I said as soon I saw her landed her butt on the floor with a 'thump' , unfortunately my apologize was cut short as the bastard given up ambushing Lisa and choose to attack me. It happened so fast that I was not able to dodge it, resulting his success.

"AAH!! Hs...! "  This time is his turn to smirk at my cry. I closed my eyes as he rise up his weapon again, bracing for the next attack.

Couple of second passed but I didn't felt anything except for the wind I felt at beside me. Opening my eyes slowly, afraid that the kidnapper is still there, trying to hurt me, but all I saw was that the said kidnapper was pushed against a car looking terrify.  Before I collected what's happening, I already heard several bone cracking sounds and whimpers. My eyes widen as I know what's happening. Just as I was about to stop Lisa from killing the bastard, she dropped him to the ground, not minding the scream he makes as his arm hits the ground, further breaking it.

"You... stay still and be quite if you wish to keep your life. " She voices out, venom lingering on her words. He starts to tremble as the flames from her smoldering eyes reach him and nodded.

"L-lisa- " Hearing my voice, she filched and turn to face me with an expression that I cannot pin point. Is it sadness? Or she's worried..? Maybe both, I do not know. 

"A-are you okay? What am I talking about of course you're not. I-I'm s-sorry. I couldn't protect you. If only I didn't let him go in the first place- This is all my fault! I-I- "  Seeing her at the brims of breaking down, I felt tight upon my chest. 

"Hey, hey look at me. It's not your fault okay. I tripped you, you didn't have enough time to preventing such to happen. Its fine now, you saved me didn't you? " I said while guiding her to face me. 

"But I was late! What if I wasn't qui- " I thought that was enough to reassure her but I forgot that she's Lisa. And Lisa sometimes behave like a kid just like right now. And this kid is very doubtful. 

I sigh and try to make her clam down.  "Shh.... Lisa. What happened is done. Yes, my arm hurts but I'm gonna be fine. Now can you please call the police or something? My arm isn't going to fix itself. " 

Yeah I'm sorry about my late update😅. I kinda got caught up with my holiday...  Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Bye.

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