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I knew the word 'stubborn' but I never know that she would be this stubborn. She wouldn't even let me drive her car even though I'm suppose to. I sigh while passing three files to Tzuyu, Jennie's assistant.

"What's with the face? " She asks.

"Its Jennie. It hard to take care of her. I even have to convinces her to eat lunch! " Now that I think about it , she's totally a baby.

Tzuyu just chuckle at me, ignoring my complains. "You'll learn how to press the right button next time. Don't worry Lisa as far as I know you will stay for a long time. "

"Huh? Why is that? " She yet again ignores me and just shrug her shoulder before biding her goodbye.

I'm glad that Jennie let me help her  though she still refused when we came back. We just finished 9 of them, including the ones that I give to Tzuyu.

When I got back, what surprise me isn't how pretty Jennie look while she's working, its how she still able to look beautiful laying her head on the table, sleeping. Like how is this possible? Can I even pull it off?   

"Erm... Miss Kim? You wanna wake up? There's still 3 more to go. " I gently shake her shoulders trying to wake her up.

"Hmm... No... 5 more minutes.... " She scootch away for my touch and continue her beauty sleep. Not wanting to interrupt any further, I let the baby be for now. 

Being a kind-hearted angle as I am, I decided to help her with the rest. There're just some letters anyways nothing that complicated. I was a business major after all, you know that goddamn degree is no joke.

As I was reading mid-through the last one Jennie woke up. Scratching her arms with her cat-like eyes closed. She didn't really notice me until she looks over my direction. 

"W-why are you here? " The look she giving me now is amusing but I chose not to laugh. Don't want to end up getting fired again. 

"Because I'm helping you. " I said but not really look at her. 

I stood up after I was done with the letters, somehow that alerted her. The further I walk towards her, the more her face becomes red.  Is she somehow sick? Or maybe it happens to her when she just woke up?

"Here. I already read it, and all you need to do is sign it. "  She's giving me a questionable look again.

For her to believe me, I explain further and told her to examine it herself. She just give me a approved nod and sent me to give these to Tzuyu.  By the time we were done its already dinner time. We drove back to her house and of course she's driving. Can't she see that I have a diver's license already? 

I accompany her to the door.  "So... Erm, its was nice working with you Miss Kim. Bye." I started off a bit awkward but I wanted to at least say something else before saying goodbye. 

I turn my back, leaving her but a hand stopped me. I look back and it was Jennie. She parted her  lips wanting to say something but no words was heard. She then take a deep breath and look me in the eyes with a steady gaze making me nervous. "Thank you... For h-helping me back at the office. "

Just these two words, 'Thank you' sent shives through my back bone. Am I crazy? No one has done that to me before, not with that gaze at least. 

Its was time to sleep but my brain can't seem to rest. I keep remembering Jennie's steady gaze and it makes me want to scream somehow. I look up the ceiling, the scenario that happened today flash by my mind like a movie. Towards the end Jennie's small smile that I caught when I was closing the door to sent the letter appears, making me smile. All I know is that I end up sleeping with the same smile, the one that's causes by Jennie Kim's smile.

"So, I heard you got a new job. Congratulation! " Rosé said through the phone. Jennie's now in the meeting room discussing about something with the higher ups. I don't want to disturb them so I stayed outside, then Rosie called in.

"No thanks to you. " I said as I remember that she didn't let me work at her company.

"Yah! There's seriously no space here. I don't lie. " She said it with her famous angelic voice.

"Ya, Sure. " I don't really know if that's true but she still didn't helped me so I'm going to continue being a meanie.  

"What is your new job anyway? "

"A personal bodyguard. " After what I said I can only hear a weird sound before Cheayoung's coughing soon reach my ear.

"What are you doing? Did you just choke on something? " I ask as she keeps coughing to no reason.

"I-I'm fine, back to you. DO YOU KNOW HOW DANGEROUS YOUR NEW JOB IS? HUH, LALISA! " God, why didn't you tell me about this could end my ear?

"Chill Rosé, chill! " I'm trying to clam her in order to save my poor ears.

"But- " I didn't wait for her to rant again and cut her off. 

"Rosé you know my skills. I'm gonna be alright. Besides, there're not going to have any fighting if my boss don't get into troubles... I think. " I mumble the last part. 

"What? I didn't hear the last part. "

I sigh. "Just don't worry- "  I was about to say more but Jennie has come out of the meeting room. I quickly end the call not caring how the 'Panic Rosé' would react. "I'll have to go now, bye. "  Sorry Cheayoung!

"Who was that? " that's the first question I got when I went to her side.

"Oh, it's just my friend checking up on me. "  She nodded at my answer not really minding that I was using my phone at work.

"Come on let's go back to my room.  " She said that but we end up walking in the different direction from the other. 

We both look at each other, dumbfounded. "Isn't your room this way? " I pointed the road in front of me.

Jennie just blink at me before grabbing my hand, "No it's not you amateur! "  

Amateur is somewhat a bad word especially with the way she address it, but why is it making me smile like an idiot. Although I know our way back already, she didn't break the hold not until we reached her room. 

I find myself smiling unconsciously again. And its because of her again.

What are you doing to me Jennie...? 

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