7 - Chilling

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The sky is changing to a darker hue. Cars at the traffic are starting to pull up. Peoples are walking at the street finding something to cure their groaning stomach. As for me? Well I'm still at my desk completing what should have been done couple days ago. I already have my take out so don't worry. Most of my coworkers have retreat to their homes leaving me here in the only lighted room. I was concentrating on my work until a knock was hear.

"Hey Jennie still working? " one of the company's elite stood at the door.

"What do you think I'm doing? " I said.

"Just asking Jennie, no need for that. Well don't stay up too late. Bye. " He walked out without my reply. I put all my focus on the papers not minding the way he left.

I don't know how long I'm was working but I stopped when my phone rings. I pick it up and look who would call at this hour, and only an image of that Chicu caught my eyes.

"Yeong-an! " Ugh! She's loud sometimes.

"Yah! Unnie my ears are hurting! "

"Don't be so dramatic Jen. " She reply while roiling her eyes.

"Why you call Jisoo? " I said wanting to continue the paperwork.

"Just to check if your still at the office this late. You do remember what Irene said last week right? "

"Er... " I hesitate to tell her that I actually forgot Irene's advice.

"Let me guess. You forgot and your still working at 9 and a half in the evening. "Jisoo said, busting me for repeating the same mistake.

"What? I still got work to do. " I reason.

"Come on Jennie, its already late. 'Just do it tomorrow' isn't that your thing? " I do say that a lot. Especially when we're going to vacation together.

Seeing that there just two more paperwork to do I sigh, surrender to my friends' advice.

"Fine. " I said as I start to clean my messy desk.

"Good girl. " I thought she would end the call there but she spoke again.

"Oh yeah, I heard that your hiring a bodyguard. How that's going? " Jisoo asks, reminding me the event this morning. A small smile climb up my face as a certain acquaintance pops up my head.

"Its alright. I just need to do some thinking. " I reply.

"Wanna hangout tomorrow? We can talk about it. " She said that but I know she's just curious about the interview.

"Sure. Lunch time? "

"Lunch time. I'll send you the location tomorrow. Now go home little girl. " She said.

"I'm not a kid you know. " I said, frowning.

"Whatever. Bye, see you tomorrow. "

"Bye Chicu. "

By the time I end the call, I reached my car. I enter it locking the door after not wanting anything to happen again and drive home safely.

Morning comes and its time for me to go to work. I went down and grab the breakfast that Mrs. Lee prepared. Today's menu was waffles with optional toppings. After I was finish with my breakfast I went to the garage and hop in my Porsche Macan GTS.

When I reached the office its already 08:10 which is an hour early than my usual schedule. I came early because I want to settle yesterday's matter as soon as possible. I don't want to end up piling up my works.

After I parked my car, I enter the lobby and nod my head to the security as a thank you for opening the door for me. I went to the 'not crowed lift' pressing the 16th floor key. Thank god there's nobody here to block my way again. As soon as I sit on my chair I started working.

After about 4 hours or so, I check the location Jisoo sent me and make my way to it. Hope she doesn't lead me to a chicken stop. That girl is way too obsess with chicken.

"Hey, Jennie, overhere! " I hear her voice once I open the door.

"Well, your early. Please don't say they only serve chicken here. " I said and earning a slap on my arm.

"Yah! I'm not that into chicken you know. " That's definitely is a lie.

"Yeah, right. "

Jisoo was about to say something but a waiter interrupted her. Hah! Bad luck Chicu.

The said waiter was gone not long after he received our orders.

"So who's the 'lucky' one? " Jisoo asking about the bodyguard issue.

"I haven't decided yet. " I reply while sipping the tea that just arrive.

"Seriously? Your slow man. " Jisoo said, lifting her brow.

"Hey, I just don't want to make the wrong decision. "

"You know you can just fire him if things gone wrong right?" Jisoo said as a matter of fact.

"And waste my time repeating the same progress again? No bitch. "

When the food arrive we dig in straight away. Being a CEO is tiring sometimes. While we're eating I fill her in with some details of the interview.

"How does your father thinks anyway? " Jisoo ask when she finished her plate.

"Honestly he was sceptical at first but was very surprised when she won the dual. " I recall what father said after we left.

"Hm... I think the girl is better for you. Plus, you clearly have a thing for her so..." She suddenly said that making me blush.

"I do not! " I deny it.

"Oh yes you do Jendeukie. Whenever you start talking about her your eyes would like sparks or something. It might not be obvious to outsiders but for the great detective Jisoo-ssi? Hah! Not on my watch. " She's hyping herself while pretending to push her invisible glasses.

"Shut up! " I said, making her laugh. The blush on my face got even worse.

"Trust me Jendeuk she's gonna be good. Just accept it and hire her. You gonna have to tell them your decision by Today anyway. " Jisoo said when she stopped laughing.

I only groan at her reply. I wish I can wipe that smirk of her pretty face! I stood from my place and went out leaving Jisoo to pay the bill.

"Really Jendeukie? " I didn't expect her to get out this quick. I guess she just left some cash on the table.

I ignore her and walk to my car. This what you get when you tease me just a bit too much. Jisoo didn't mind my attitude and follow me untill I sit at my driver seat.

"I know you gonna hire her anyway. " Jisoo teased again. Not wanting to speak to her I start the engine and step the fuel.

"Aish... she never change. " Jisoo said with a smile as I left her.

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