Chapter 10

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"DINNERS READY!!" I hear Mitsuki yell "baby time to wake up" I say as I gently shake my teddy "mm~ ok" he said slowly sitting up and rubbed his eye 'SO CUTE!' "What are you looking at extra" he grumbled "you are to cute princess" I said With heart eyes he blushed "shut up dumbass" he said softly I chuckled and picked him up gently. "Let's go eat dinner" I said with a closed eye smile then he wrapped his arms around my neck and pulled me into a kiss I kissed back letting are tongues playfully wrestle. "mm~" bakugou moaned into the kiss after a few seconds of kissing I pulled away. "Why" he whinned "we need to go eat dinner baby trust me if we didn't I would lay here with you all day" I said sweetly he blushed again and nodded I began walking to the dinning room "The food smells wonderful Mitsuki" I said truthfully "Thank you at least someone compliments my cooking" she said teasing.

"shut up old hag" teddy bear said quietly protecting the back of his head I pinch his cheek as punishment. "Ow (M\N)" He whined I didn't look at him "boys come sit down" I nod and take a seat and place my teddy bear next to me "(M\N)... could I sit on your lap it kinda hurts" Teddy asked I look over to Mitsuki and Mr. Bakugou and they nodded so I pick up backugou and gently place him on one of my legs "better?" I ask looking at him and he nods. Mitsuki placed my plate infront of me and teddys infront of him "itadakimasu" we all say and then we dig in "so how did you guys meet" Mitsuki asked "we meet in class, he was yelling at Kirishima" I sweat dropped " "shut up shitty hair" he yelled" I laugh as Mitsuki sweat dropped "but the second I saw him I knew I had to make him mine" I say then bakugou starts choking on his food so I Pat his back. I look at Mitsuki and she is fangirling about what I said "you ok baby?" I ask bakugou "ya just don't say things like that so sudden" he smacked my chest. I chuckle "well baby that's how I felt" I said finishing my food "Gochisou sama deshita" Me and bakugou say as he finished his plate.

I place bakugou on my seat as I get up, I grab our plates and walk to the sink getting ready to wash them "Oh no please your a guest I'll wash them" Mitsuki said walking twords me with two plates in hand "No it's the least I could do, you've been so kind to me." I said happily with a big smile "has it been that rough" she said sadly as she placed the dishes in the sink for me to wash "ya" I sigh "but I'm happy one of my lovers family is so kind to me" I gave a small smile "I've been meaning to ask who are your other lovers?" "One you know midoya" "OH midorya ya I know him and his mom I am positive she'll accept you" she said motherly "thank you for reassuring me" I gave a smile "the others are friends of bakugou, Kaminari and kirishima." I said drying off the dishes "Why do you call them by their last names?" She asked " because I want to get there parents approval before I even think about dating them" I said with a small smile "you act like your dating them already" she laughed and I chuckled "I'm a very loving lover and anyways they are very precious and should not be treated any other way" I said lovingly then I felt a pat on my back "I'm happy my son feel in love with you" she said motherly with a closed eye smile.

I could feel my eyes water then Mitsuki pulled me into a very motherly hug and My tears spilled out like a waterfall. I hugged back lifting her up "thank you" I said thankful she hugged back harder after a few more seconds I let her down I wiped my eyes and then washed my face. She and I walked out with smiles. I sat in my seat and put my teddy bear on to my lap. He leaned into my chest while in rapped my hands around his waist. "So how does your relationships work?" Mr. Bakugou asked curious "I have physical relationships with all of them but I have an emotional relationship with all of them They do not have feeling for each other they only have feeling for me. They share me with each other" I chuckle "we sleep together get ready together We'er basically dating but with no label" I laugh and so does Misaki "do you ever plan on officially dating them?" Asked Mr. Bakugou asked "I don't know... it depends on how it goes" I say he nods "oh I have an idea!" Misaki said excitedly "let's play some games!" She said cheerfully we nodded.

*After a few hours of playing*

"Oh Misaki we should get back It late" I said looking out the window "aww ok but come back and visit soon!" She said I nodded and picked up bakugou like a princess he blushed "good bye Misaki and Mr. Bakugou thank you for having me" I say as I bow "No need to thank us and please call me Masaru" he said with a smile I nodded and smile back "bye mom and dad" Bakugou said pouting they look at him and smile still not used to him not insulting them "good boy" I said his eyes widen as he blushed. Misaki raised and lower her eyebrows suggestively I laugh as I opened the door "well time to get going Bye" I said one final good bye "bye!" They said As I flew away I felt bakugou hold on tightly to my shirt "baby Your ok I got you" I said Comforting "I know But were really high up" He said looking down I smile then I start doing tricks in the air "(M/N)!" Bakugou yelled "just enjoy it" I smiled and Maneuvered him to my back so he is sitting on me.

"O-ok" he said holding on even harder after awhile he started to relax and enjoyed the air and sights "beautiful isn't it" he nodded I flew down to the school "Let's go" I said taking him off my back so my wings could Tuck in. When we started to walk he slide his hand in mine I held on tightly. Once we entered my dorm room we saw everyone waiting for us I laugh "did you guys wait long" I said entering the room letting go of Bakugou hand "no" the all said in sync I changed into some sweats I turn around to see Bakugou already in bed dressed In a shirt of mine I look at what everyone else was wearing and chuckled they were all wearing a shirt of mine. I walked over and they made a spot in the middle of bed when I lay down they Instantly lay down on top of me and cuddle into me I sigh In relaxation "I love you guys" I say falling asleep they blush and their eyes widen then their eyes soften and smile "we love you too" they say in sync knowing I was half asleep.

3rd person pov

Kirishima asked "who do you think he is going to ask to join?" He asked with eyes closed they began to think as well with eyes closed "I think idda" said Mydoria "why?" Asked kaminari "when I first meet him he was flirting and checking him out" "makes sense" said kirishima "why four eyes" Bakugou groans they all laugh lowly making sure to not wake up (M\N). They begin to drift off to sleep.

Hey guys sorry for not posting sooner I just moved and I'm still moving in 😅 even after a week😑 sorry if it's not as good it's 7am and I haven't slept. Anyway hope you've had/have a good day my lovelies 🖤🖤

Random information

I'm working on three other story as well and One is way darker then this one I will be posting them once they complete so I won't have to worry about an upload schedule 😂 and so I can go back and change things I will tell you guys when their posted incase anyone is interested. The main one is another haram but it is slow in the love department BUT! It does have sex Early

Sorry the chapter is short!

Also very important It kind of has a lot of information sooo I do not recommend reading hella high 😂 trust me you won't remember reading it. Also you guys can message me incase their is something you wanna see in the story Actually you guys can message me about anything 🥰 that's it bye🖤🖤

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