Calm yo hormones.


I ended up playing donkey kong on my DS for only half an hour until I fell asleep on the toilet...


Doesn't everyone play games on the loo?

Just me?


I was asleep for an hour until the postman thumped on the front door.

Are you-



I hurriedly flushed and washed my hands and yeah... I'm sure you'd love to hear all the details, you kinky thang, but I'd rather not share anything... O_o

I flung open the front door, only just pulling up my pyjama bottoms in time until I was greeted by the postman who gave me an odd expression.

Luckily he must've thought I was off ill or something.

"Sign here please", he said, shoving an electrical device and a stylus in my face.

I squiggled out a ':Dan' signature and as I returned the device he frowned and tossed the parcel at me.

"Good day".

"Uh you too...? Mate?", I replied.





I seriously need to stop speaking in the third person... To myself... Alone...

Wow, I need help, Gosh.

I slammed the door and leapt upstairs, throttling the parcel onto my parent's bed before retreating to my bedroom once again to immerse myself into Donkey kong.

Nothing interesting happened for the rest of the day except for this dude called Manesh who sent me some dickpics...


I didn't even have a clue as to who he was... O_o

Yeah I had to spend 3 hours in the bathroom after that...

Cleaning my eyes...

With bleach...


Jk but seriously I need an exorcist or something.

I cannot unsee that. Oh dear.


The Following Day


I slept in, yet again, jeez, I'm a lazy-ass sometimes.

My clock read 1:24pm

Wow, I guess I must've stayed up on my DS for a while. Heh... Heh...

Don't judge me, OK?!

I had about 6 1/2 hours until Phil came to pick me up.

I wonder how far his mate's house his from mine... Hmm... It can't be that far...

No seriously.

It CAN'T be far else I'll collapse on the pavement.

Just sayin'.

I clambered into the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror, my reflection showing off my disgracefully messy hobbit hair.

"Sweet Jesus", I murmured, scrambling around for my straighteners.

I adjusted my fringe to make it more presentable and I applied some cream on my skin to make it smoother and moisturised.




Eew. o_o

Once I was finished, I stumbled back into my bedroom and grabbed out a pink Galaxy t-shirt with a crowned llama on the front and a pair of my favourite black skinny jeans.

I put on the clothes and did one last fringe check before settling back down to play some more Donkey Kong until Phil arrived.

Oh, I forgot to mention that I'd gotten through 5 boxes of malteasers through a 24 hour period.

Healthy is my middle name... Or is it James? Fuck it, I don't know.

6 hours later

I was lying under the covers of my bed, chewing unconsciously at an empty Malteaser box... Yeah... I ran out of stock. // CRI //

I was interrupted by a loud knock on the door. My head turned to my clock:


Oh shit.

I ran out of bed and I skidded past the mirror, noticing that my hair had curled back up again but I decided to leave it since I couldn't keep Phil waiting.

"Commmingggg", I shouted, jumping downstairs, tripping at the bottom then crawling over towards the door.

I opened it and Phil stood looking down at me.

"I've never felt so tall", he sniggered.

"I guess you are pretty giant sized- Oh wait- ah no, I'm growing-", I slowly raised to my feet to regain my original height, towering over him and smirking.

"Crap", he sulked, grabbing my arm and pulling me out the door way, "Let's go then King Kong".

I shut the door behind me and gave him a stern yet jokey glare, "You call me that again and I'll sit on you".

"Fine by me", he laughed, pulling me again.

My cheeks blushed lightly.

This all happened so fast.

At first I thought my crush was way out of my league and he was straight but now he's admitted to being gay and liking me back.


"It's only a few minutes down the road by the way", he smiled back at me, still tugging at me.

Well, I think my lungs will be able to survive.

Unless I start to hyperventilate as I suddenly realise my crush and I are going 'out'...

C'mon lungs, let's do dis.

Phan: Blurred Admirer - High School AUWhere stories live. Discover now