Chapter 2

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The Game
A/N: HAHAHAHAHAAAA, But no seriously, that's the title.

I was extremely pleased to get to school today as I was energised and determined to speak to Phil.

I had a sort of pep-in-my-step as I sprung around the corridors on my way to each class; I must've looked barmy but I couldn't care less about others' opinions. They can just fuck off.

I wasn't looking forward to my next lesson as much because we had PE (Physical Education) meaning I'd have to exercise and this time I'd forgotten to bring in a note to get me out of actually participating in the lesson. I'd brought my kit with me regardless so it looked like I wouldn't be sitting on the edge of the field listening to music whilst talking to some of my friends, staring at the unfortunate who had to practise football in the bitter weather.

I lugged myself into the changing rooms and quickly threw on my shirt and shorts before the teacher spoke up, "We're indoors today lads, the field is too muddy, sorry".

A loud array of groans and the occasional "Fucking hell" buzzed around after about a minute but it eventually died down when Mr Martins screeched his whistle at us, indicating for us to shut our whiny teenager mouths.

I hated football anyway, so I was fine with not being on the field.

Once everyone had finished changing, we all stomped over to the sports hall where we were expected to play some bench ball which is a pretty good game since I'm really tall meaning I can just block any attempts the other team makes to get another person onto the bench but the concept is quite shitty and basic. Not that I cared, moping around the bench, defending and basically standing around for 40 minutes wasn't a problem at all.

I just don't see the point in wasting my time standing in front of a bench when I could be doing something much more productive.

If I work in an office when I'm older, why should I care or need to know about how to successfully dribble a ball in football or how to find someone to pass to in an open space.

All pointless.

I gloomily walked over to Chris who greeted me with a pitiful grin, "Hey, what's wrong?", he asked, patting me on the back, "Finally have to do some sport with me today?", he glanced across at one of our other friends; Pj, who was sat on the side, listening to music on his iPod.

"Yeah, not that I don't want to do PE with you, I just don't want to do PE at all".

"You're the best defence we've got though, you're a bloody giant", he cheered, nudging me with his elbow.

"Watch it squirt", I laughed, nudging him back before the teacher called us over so he could pick the team captains.

"Phil, want to be a captain this time?", Mr Martins boomed, looking down at Phil.

"Uh OK...?", he blurted out, getting up to his feet.

"And how about you Jack?", Sir pointed at one of the school's most popular and athletic students; Jack Harrows. Number 1 at being a massive dickhead.

"Thanks mate!", Jack leapt up, cockily strutting up to stand in front of the rest of us. "You're going down", he turned to Phil, kicking him playfully in the shin.

Here's the thing, our school isn't normal. We have 2 sets of popular people; the Douchey Populars (Jack and his squad of assholes) and the Sweet Populars (Phil and his friends).

They always clash but because they're both such popular groups, nothing seems to ever happen between them as they're both supported heavily. I haven't a clue why someone would support Jack though, he's a total scumbag. Just saying...

"Pick your team members you two, Phil, you go first", Mr Martins turned to them.

This was basically public humiliation, leaving the shittiest players until last, just fucking great.

Phil turned to his friends before sir suddenly added, "Pick people who your team will actually need to aid your victory".

Phil's gaze turned straight to me, the tallest boy in the year, yet the most shy. My heart freaked out since he'd never actually looked at me before with full-on eye contact.

"Daniel?", he said, unsure if he'd got my name right.

"Yep!", I awkwardly got up and practically skipped over to stand behind him whilst one of the boys who were sat down shouted quietly, "Tall lesbian!", before Sir shot a devious glare at him, causing him to hang his head in shame.

Phil smiled up at me, putting his hand out for me to shake it.

"H-hey, we've hardly talked before", I whispered hesitantly, as Jack chose his next team mate.

"Yeah, it's a shame because you're pretty cool", Phil grinned back.

"Do you think so?", I gasped, star-struck.

"Yeah-", he started before he called out, "I choose um-", he turned to me, whispering, "Anyone in particular you want me to choose?", his eyes locking with mine, making me tingle.

"Uh... Chris?", I choked, happy that he'd considerately asked me.

He smiled at my response before turning back to face everyone, "Chris!".

"Nice", I heard Chris say, before getting up and high-fiving Phil and I.

It took another few minutes to get through everyone until our teams were complete.

The game began smoothly, unsurprisingly Jack cheated through the whole game and Mr Martins appeared to not give a shit as he was drinking his coffee out a flask as he watched one of Jack's mates begin to throw the ball at his competitor's face repeatedly.

We ended up losing but I managed to save a good amount of attempts they made at getting their team mates onto the bench, so I did well on my behalf, I guess.

Phil shook everyone's hand after the game and congratulated us for trying.

He turned to me as we started to leave the sports hall. "Hey, you're amazing in defence, you saved like a million attempts!", he chuckled, putting his hand on my shoulder.

All my brain was saying at that moment went something along the lines of:

I turned my gaze to look him right in his gorgeous sky blue eyes. I pulled a fake pout and grumbled, "It's a shame we lost though, and thanks".

"Aww, it doesn't matter that we lost. Hey, we can hug it out, right?", he smiled as if he felt bad for us losing, opening his arms for a hug.

My eyes widened and I leaned into the hug, wrapping my arms around him tightly, not wanting to let go.

He was so warm and snuggly, like a fluffy kitten.

I seriously felt as if I was clinging onto him for at least 8 minutes until I realised that if I didn't let go he would probably start sweating and screaming at everyone, "NO HOMO GUYS, IT'S HIM, NOT MEEE!1!!". So I reluctantly let go and felt really cold again.

"Easy there", he laughed, noticing my eagerness.

I blushed slightly before he suddenly turned to me to ask me something, "Hey, can I get your number? I kinda want to get to know you better and I feel bad since we've hardly spoken... Ever".

Oh my god.

Dan, HE asked, not you.


My heart beat raced and my cheeks flushed red. He just wanted my number to talk but it felt as if he had just proposed to me.

"Oh my- yeah, sure", I smiled, still shocked as I held the door open for him, entering the changing room before exchanging phone numbers and quickly dashing off to get changed.

GET IN THERE DAN... Well you didn't really do anything but...


Phan: Blurred Admirer - High School AUWhere stories live. Discover now