Chapter 10

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What's Mine is Yours


*Phil's POV*

I woke up as a violent knocking began to arise at my door.

"Hmmm?", I grumbled, looking over to Dan who lay beside me, entirely unclothed.

"Let me in!", the voice outside bellowed, the knocking beginning to gradually become louder.

Oh crap I thought to myself Dan is naked on your bed, completely asleep

"NOW!", The voice shouted, the person was now slamming their fists violently against the door.

I grabbed Dan and picked him up, laying him carefully on the floor of my bathroom.

"I'M NOT DECENT!", I lied as I gently stroked Dan's hair before closing the door to my bathroom. I was stood there in my Pyjamas; I had gotten changed once Dan had fallen asleep.

My eyes flickered over to my clock:

We were already late for school...

"HURRY THE FUCK UP!", the person was now screaming.

"OKAY, OKAY", I sighed, walking over to the door, unlocking it.

Surprise, Surprise. It was Martyn, my brother.

"I know you took it", he whispered aggressively, pointing his finger at me accusingly.

"Took what?", I questioned, scratching my head, honestly clueless as to what he was talking about.

"You bloody well know what, you little arsehole", he spat, grabbing me by the collar of my Cookie Monster Pyjama top.

"Just tell me what I took!", I choked, kicking him in the shins.

"My. Fucking. Lube", he grunted, shoving me aside as he made his way over to the bathroom, "I bet you're hiding it in your bathroom supplies cabinet".

"No, no, no", I gasped as he became worryingly close to the bathroom door, "Uh, I must've left it somewhere over here", I assured him, pointing to my desk that was covered in thousands of miscellaneous objects.

"SO YOU DID TAKE IT", He turned around, only to give me the coldest stare humanly possible.

"Yes, okay, I did, just don't kill me", I heaved, breathing heavily.

"Okay, thanks for being honest", he smiled, "But I know it's in the bathroom, for sure".

"You seriously don't want to go in-".

It was too late.

The door to my bathroom creaked open, revealing a naked Dan slumbering in his Angelic and perfect form.

"DUDE", Martyn screeched, immediately slamming the door closed, "WHY IS HE SLEEPING ON YOUR BATHROOM FLOOR? HAVE YOU GOT NO MANNERS?".

"I fell asleep before him", I lied, "he must've went in there to... I don't know".

"What the fuck", Martyn sighed, "I can't ever unsee that".

"Yeah, but doesn't he have a cute butt?", I muttered, smiling contently.

"I'm straight, thicko", he clasped his forehead in his palms, "Hang on, did you just-".

"Nope, I said nothing", I coughed, awkwardly grabbing the lube from under the duvet of my bed and handing it to him.

"Uh...", Martyn mumbled, taking the lube, "it seems lighter-".

"Thanks for visiting, come again soon", I shook his hand before pushing him out of my room and locking the door again.

"Oh, and by the way, you and your dork friend are late for school", he shouted from the other side.

"Trust me, I know", I called back.


*Dan's POV*

I awoke on the cold, hard floor of Phil' s bathroom. My body was rigid and frozen.
How did I end up in here? I wondered, stumbling to my feet.

"Phil?", I called quietly, wondering if he was asleep or already awake.

"Yeah, Dan?", he asked, opening the door.

"Ahhh, I'm naked, stop!", I squeaked, turning my back on him to save my dignity.

"I've already seen you naked, I was the one who carried your Naked sleeping body in here, I think I'm comfortable enough with you already", he giggled, running his fingers through his fringe.

He walked over to me, placing his arms around my waist, breathing lightly against my neck.

"Mmm", I moaned silently as his grip became tighter, swaying our bodies side to side to a simple rhythm. 

"Dan, you might want to get dressed, it's nearly 10", Phil whispered quietly into my ear. His soft and gentle voice made my heart thud harder in my chest.

"OK, sweetheart", I smiled as he placed a kiss upon my cheek.

He grabbed hold of my hand and squeezed it lightly before leading me back into his bedroom to help me get dressed.


*Phil's POV*

"Bye Mum!", I waved as we walked out the house, prepared to get seriously told off for being so late.

"Thank you for having me!", Dan smiled.

"It's OK. Are you sure you boys aren't hungry?", she asked.

"I'm sure we'll be fine", Phil replied, "it's too late for snacking anyway".

"See you later", Mrs Lester waved goodbye as we made our way back to School.

This is going to be fun, being told off for sleeping in.
Just perfect.

Phan: Blurred Admirer - High School AUWhere stories live. Discover now