Chapter 8

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Social Anxiety Strikes Again

A/N: Please don't criticise me if I get some of the things wrong in this Chapter, I'm no expert on the topic. You'll discover what I mean when you finish reading this part of the story, otherwise you'll have no clue what I'm talking about.
Thanks and enjoy ☺️

Warning: Angsty and fluffy


I quietly made my way to Biology, only looking at my feet, avoiding any eye contact with any people who happened to glare at me as I passed them.

It felt horrible.
I felt like an outcast.
I was already disliked by the majority of my class mates, I didn't want it to get worse.

I hadn't even seen Chris or Pj yet, who knows what they'll think about me after hearing those atrocious rumours.

I just hoped and prayed that nobody would speak to me during the next lesson; I didn't even want to talk to my friends.

I heard the bell ring for the beginning of 2nd Period, so I jogged up to Dr Hayes' classroom and silently entered the room without disrupting the start of the lesson.

I slipped into my seat next to Chris, biting my lip and hoping he hadn't heard about the rumours.

What am I saying?
Of course he has.

He's the fucking gossip guru of the school but in male form.

*Mentally shoots self with a nerf gun*


"Psst, Dan", Chris elbowed me whilst Sir began to take the register, "What's up with this Phil thing?".




Huge bag of nope

// flies out classroom on a nimbus 2000 //

"Mm what?", I coughed, trying to act oblivious.

"No talking whilst I'm taking the register, it must be silent for legal purposes", Dr Hayes shouted, staring at Chris and I like he wanted to rip all the organs out of our pathetic torsos.

Thank you, oh holy one.

Now I don't have to answer Chris

Frick yeaaass

I began to daydream and stare out of the window as the teacher read out the names of everyone in the classroom.


All I could think about was him-

"Daniel", Sir called out my name for the register.

"Phi- Here sir", I yawned. Phil was permanently stuck in my head. I couldn't stop thinking about him.

"Phihere is not a word in the English dictionary, Daniel", Dr Hayes protested.

"But Fasterphil is", Toby chuckled half way across the classroom, "that's Dan's favourite word".

"SILENCE", the teacher yelled at Toby, spitting with fury.

"Try tell that to Dan when Phil and him are at it", Toby roared with laughter, toppling backwards, "You can't stop this Daniel from Howelling".

"GET OUT", Sir bellowed at Toby, pointing firmly towards the door.

"Worth it for the lols", Toby cackled, stumbling out the door.

Everyone had their gaze locked on me.

My face was flaming red and my heart was thumping alarmingly fast.

Phan: Blurred Admirer - High School AUOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora