Ch 4

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Izuku was currently sitting in the police precinct's interrogation room with a pin and notepad sitting on the table in front of him. When they first brought Izuku in all they did was stick him in here with pin and paper and told him to wright down his confession on the paper because they already know it's him. Now Izuku had a good idea that they were talking about him being Green Arrow. But if they already knew then why does he need to confess, with that in mind he decided not to write anything down and wait to see what happens.
A little bit later the same police officer that put Izuku in the room and told him to write down his confession came back in. When he did he saw Izuku furiously writing on the peace of paper. This brought a smug smile to the officers face. He thought he had Izuku and that this was going to be easy.

Officer: glad to see you made the right choice.

Izuku: I did.

Officer: let me have the paper.

Izuku: wait one second I'm almost done.

Officer: hurry up.

Izuku: there.

Izuku finished what he was doing with the paper. He put down the pin and slide the notepad to the officer. When the officer looked at it he got mad because Izuku instead of confessing drew a picture of a rabbit.

Izuku: I was going to draw a dog but your right I made the right choice to draw a rabbit instead.

Officer: just confess!

Izuku: no.

Officer: you will talk.

Izuku: I don't think so.

The officer was getting even more furious with Izuku and was about to explode on him till a knock came from the door. The officer got up and went to the door and opened it. When he did who he say standing there surprised him. The officer then stepped out of the room and talked to the mystery person outside of the room. The door then opened and shut again but no one came in. Then the chair opposite to Izuku was pulled back. Now Izuku was confession as to what was going on till a head of a mouse bear thing popped up.

Izuku: oh thank God your just short. I thought this place was haunted for a second.

This comment made Nezu laugh.

Nezu: yes, well my name is Nezu I'm the one who runs U.A university.

Izuku: yes I know, you and your school are very famous.

Nezu: thank you, now on to why we are here. Do you know why we brought you in.

Izuku: a clever ploy to get a grant for you school?

Nezu: I afraid not.

Izuku: I'm induct me into your secret cult? If that's the case then I must humble decline, I'm not a pagan sacrifice kind of guy.

Nezu: that is definitely not it.

Izuku: then I'm stumped.

Nezu: how about I just tell you way we are here.

Izuku: smart, that's why your top bear.

Nezu: right.

Izuku: so why am I here.

Nezu: because your Green Arrow.

Izuku: no I'm not.

Nezu: we have video proof of you changing into your vigilante suit.

Izuku: no you don't.

Nezu: listen we know and you now have to choices laid out in front of you.

Izuku mind: I am so screwed.

Nezu: 1- you go to jail for illegal vigilante work.

Izuku: how about letting me off with a warning?

Nezu: no.

Izuku: damn it!

Nezu: or 2- you come and attend my college.

Izuku: exsqueeze me, mind repeating that?

Nezu: I what you to come to U.A. and train to be a pro hero.

Izuku: why?

Nezu: your skills make you as good as some pro heroines yet your quirkless. Snip even said the your pure skill with a bow could give her quirk a run for its money.

Izuku didn't say anything, instead he was just trying to understand what was happening right now.

Nezu: you don't have to come and attend U.A but your only other option is jail.

Izuku: well I don't want to go to jail.

Nezu then it's settled.

Izuku: what about my company though.

Nezu: for now just get someone to run it in your absence, then when you graduate you can run it and be a pro. A lot of the other heroines have other jobs too.

Izuku: ok then it's settled, to avoid jail I'm going to U.A.

Nezu: did you have to word it like that.

Izuku: can I go I need to talk to someone about running my company for me?

Nezu: yes, let's get you signed out.

Izuku's House

Inko: why did you need me to come over honey?

Izuku: mom I need you to take back control of the company.

Inko: what why? Are you ok? Is someone threatening you? Who is it? Who is threatening my baby?

Izuku: jeez mom calm down, no one is threatening me.

Inko: then why do you need me to take back the company?

Izuku: I have to go to college.

Inko: why do you want to go to college?

Izuku: no mom I have to go.

Inko: I'm confused.

Izuku: it's fine mom, just list I have to go I have no choice. Mom can you please take back control of the company?

Inko: yes of course I can. Do you plan on coming back to the company?

Izuku: after I graduate yes.

Inko: what college do you have to go to?

Izuku: Nezu wants me to go to U.A.

Inko: what but that's a pro heroine's school!

Izuku: yes it is.

Inko: it's also an all girls school.

Izuku: technically now it's coed.

Inko: I don't want you to go.

Izuku: I have to go mom. Now I don't have to talk about this anymore I need to get ready.

Inko: just promise me you will be careful baby.

Izuku: I will mom.

Izuku then got all the paper work that Inko needed to sign to take control of Midoriya industry from her son. Inko signed the papers, she was reluctant about it but she did sign them. After that the to talked for a little bit longer. Eventually Inko left so that Izuku could get his things together for U.A. Izuku had to stay on campus as part of the deal so he packed his things and left.
Izuku made it to U.A and was standing in front of the entrance of the school. Izuku was waiting for a teacher to come let him in because he didn't have a student card to pass through the gates. As he was standing there waiting he was getting eyed by all the females students that were going in and out of the school. Eventually one of the teachers came and it just so happened to be Shouta Aizawa or better known to Izuku as Eraserhead.

Aizawa: hello Midoriya, I'm going to be your homeroom teacher while you are at this school to become a pro hero.

Izuku mind: oh this is going to get interesting.

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