Ch 17

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Izuku: well this situation seem awfully familiar.

Currently Izuku was sitting in a interrogation room at the police station that he was taken to after he was arrested by the police when he got back from his training with Katsumi. As the police were arresting him Aizawa said that it was because he murdered someone but that doesn't make sense at all. Izuku doesn't remember killing anyone and he has never killed anyone before, even when he was on the Island.

Izuku mind: even on the island I never took a life and when would I have done it if I had I had just got back from the internship and was in the dorm the whole night or was I! I guess there is a possibility that I was brainwashed but I don't remember anything out of the ordinary?

Izuku continued to think of a reason as to why all of this was happening when the door to the interrogation room opened and in walked a detective that was there when he first arrived. This detective was the one who told the two officers that she would be handling this investigation and to put Izuku in the interrogation room that he was in now. Izuku was brought from his thoughts when he heard her come into the room.

Izuku: listen I think there has been a.........

Izuku didn't get to finish as the detective slammed he hand on the table a began to yell at him.

Detective: shut it we know it was you scumbag!

Izuku: scumbag, are we in an 80s police movie?

Detective: shut up you dastard!

Izuku mind: I have a feeling that this isn't going to go well for me.

Detective: listen up, we already know your the one who did it, we got your finger prints off of the arrow taken out of the body so you might as well come clean!

Izuku: you want clean I suggest dawn.

Detective: you think that this is amusing!

Izuku: I think your detective skills are amusing, have you ever once thought that maybe oh I don't know was set up?

Detective: so you thank that there is another archer out there who put your finger prints on the arrows so that he can get you out of the way by framing you for murderer?

Izuku: or to just get my attention.

Detective: you think this is a movie wise guy!?!

Izuku: no it's a manga.

Detective: what?

Izuku: nothing just listen I really do think that someone framed me.

Detective: no you listen I'm going to make sure a scumbag like you gets put away for a long time you hear me!

Izuku: it's hard not to when you are three feet away from me and you're yelling.

The detective just got even more infuriated at Izuku because of all of his quips. She hated that he wasn't taking this seriously. Little did she know that Izuku was taking all of it very seriously but was using quips to try and hid his brain working on a solution like he always tries to do plus he just thinks it's funny seeing the people that he's have fun with get extremely angry.

Izuku mind: ok so there is another archer out there how is trying to frame me for murderer. But why though, what is there end goal and why worry about me, I'm nowhere near the biggest threat that they will face? None of this is adding up, I need more information if I'm going to figure this out.

It was quite in the interrogation room now as the two just starred at each other, one with a neutral look on his face and the other with a furious look on her face.

Detective mind: why the hell hasn't he cracked yet, I know that he is some kind of vigilante turned killer but he is still just a man. Shouldn't he be afraid that I'll use my quirk to hurt him? This guys uncaring attitude is really starting to piss me off!

The detective was about to say something else when there was a knock a the door to the room before it opened revealing an officer on the other side.

Detective: what is it officer I'm a little busy right now.

Izuku: don't mind me, I can wait till you're done talking to him.

Detective: shut it!

The officer that came to the interrogation room then spoke up before anything got out of hand.

Officer: sorry ma'am but the chief what's to see you.

Detective: (sigh) alright I'll head that way now, while I do I want you to take this guy back to the holding cell until I'm done.

Officer: yes ma'am.

With that the detective that was interrogating Izuku went off to go see the chief of police while Izuku was taken back and put into a holding cell. Izuku was expected to wait until the detective got back so that she could finish the interrogation but Izuku had other plans now.

Izuku mind: the longer I wait in here the longer the Archer is out there doing who knows what and I have a feeling that is I stay I won't be going. I better use this opportunity to get out of here and go after them.

Izuku began to pace around the cell in the hopes that he might be able to find a way out but no matter how hard he looked he couldn't find a way.

Izuku mind: damn it Izuku think, who knows how much time you have until that detective gets back.

Izuku continued to pace the cell getting more and more frustrated as he did.

Izuku mind: I was able to escape being held prisoner by pirates I should be able to get out of here damn it!

Izuku then kicked one of the bars in frustration and as he did I felt it move a little bit. Izuku noticed this and crouched down to take a closer look at the bar and that is when he saw that the wielding that held the bar in place was poor.

Izuku mind: I might be able to break the bottom of the bar loose a slip out.

As he was thinking that an officer came in.

Officer: what was that?!?

Izuku needing a way to not make the officer suspicious decided to tell the truth, to a certain point.

Izuku: I kicked the bar because I'm pissed off, you got a problem with that!?!

Officer: don't do it again or you're not going to like what happens next!

After the officer left Izuku as quietly as he could got to work on getting the bar to the cell loose.

Izuku mind: I got to hurry.

After the detective went to see the chief she began to make her way back to the holding cell in order to get Izuku so she could finish what she started.

Detective mind: I just need to get him to break or slip up telling me he did it and this case will be over.

Her plans would however come to a screeching halt when she reached the cell that Izuku was supposed to be in only to see that he wasn't there.

Detective: what the hell!

The detective them began to examine all around the cell only the eventual see that the bottom of one of the bars was broke loose and bent to the side making a hole just wide enough for a person to squeeze through. The realization to the detective that her one and only suspected for this entire investigation had just escaped and got away while she was talking to the police chief hit her hard.


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