Ch 19

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It was late at night and Izuku was standing inside an old abandoned apartment complex waiting for Katsumi to hopefully arrive with his stuff. Izuku knew that it might be hard for her to get what he asked for seeing that he is now a wanted criminal and all but Izuku was also confident in her. Ever since him and Katsumi were little Izuku knew that there wasn't much that she couldn't do and knew that she could get his things for him. Izuku just hoped that she wouldn't get into trouble for helping him out, at the very least Katsumi would just get a slap on the wrist but at the worst she could get expelled from UA.

Izuku mind: damn it the more I think about this the more I wished I hadn't asked her to do this for me. I never should have gotten Katsumi involved in all of this and just figured out another way to deal with this other archer.

Izuku was pulled away from metal kicking his own ass by the sound of someone making there way into the abandoned building. Izuku still needing to be carful hide himself and watched to see who it was that was coming in. After just a few seconds of waiting a figure walked in and when Izuku looked closer he could see that it was Katsumi. It was only confirmed further that it was her when he heard her voice calling out to him.

Katsumi: Izuku! Izuku are you here!

Izuku then made his way out of his hiding spot.

Izuku: yeah I'm here Katsumi.

Izuku sudden appearance startled Katsumi causing her to jump a little bit. She then glared at Izuku a little bit.

Katsumi: don't just jump out like that!

Izuku: sorry I didn't mean to scare you.

Katsumi: you didn't scare me, you just caught me off guard!

Izuku: I see, I'm sorry I snuck up on you then.

Katsumi: it's fine.

Izuku and Katsumi were silent for a little bit before Izuku spoke once again.

Izuku: was it hard for you to get my stuff for me?

Katsumi: well it definitely wasn't easy but it also wasn't anything that I couldn't handle.

Izuku: I'm sorry that I asked you to do this but I really didn't have any other choice.

Katsumi: it's fine really, I'm actually glad that you felt that you could come to me when you need help.

Izuku: I have always felt like I could come to you for help, even back when you would bully. I don't know why but even then I felt like I could come to you.

It was again quite for a little bit but this time it was Katsumi who broke the silence but when she talked it was in a quite tone, almost a whisper.

Katsumi: sorry.

Izuku: what?

Now in a louder tone Katsumi repeated what she said.

Katsumi: I said I'm sorry!

Izuku: but for what, by bringing me my stuff you really helped me out of a stick situation.

Katsumi: I'm sorry that I bullied you when we were younger.

Izuku: oh, that's what you're sorry for.

Katsumi: I really shouldn't have done it just because you were a quirkless boy.

Izuku: yeah you really probably shouldn't have done that.

Katsumi looked even worse when she heard Izuku say that.

Izuku: but you also hurt others who tried to bully me to so you kind of made up for it in a way.

Katsumi's eyes widened a little bit and she looked at Izuku.

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