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Izuku POV

Now I know what your thinking, what is the Izuku Midoriya the youngest, handsomest, and most successful ceo in all of Japan doing going around shooting trick arrows at low level thugs. And the answer might shock you, who else is going to do it. You see pro heroes don't care to much about the small crimes they just want the ones that will get them on tv. Not that I'm saying all those girls are in it for money and fame, just a good deal of them. Oh yea by the way only women have powers, hit, hit, why I'm using a bow and arrow to fight crime.
Man I'm really beating the crap out of these girls, wow that could be bad taken out of context. You see currently there is a group of girls using there powers referred to as quirks to rob this supermarket. Let's go back and see what happened shall we.

No Ones POV

It was just a regular day at the supermarket with customers coming and going, all the changed however when 3 girls burst throw the door.

Robber 1: alright nobody move, were here for the money.

Robber 2: if we get the money without any problems from you fine people then no one gets hurt.

As this was going on one of the cashiers hit the alarm to signal the police and any heroes nearby. Once the bells of the alarm started going off the cashier began to rethink his decision in pressing that button. One of the robbers new it was him who pressed it and was not to happy.

Robber 2: why you little....

The robber engulfed her hand in fire and was ready to shoot the man with it.

Robber 3: come on that won't do us any good now, we need to leave.

Robber 1: let's split girls.

Robber 2: not till I fry this punk, extra crispy.

Cashier: oh no.

As the girl was about to shoot the man with her fire quirk an arrow came out of nowhere hitting the girls hand encasing the hand in ice.

???: ladies I'm going to have to ask you not to turn the boy into the world largest match stick.

All three of the girls turned around to see a man in green with a bow standing on one of the supermarkets shelves.

All three of the girls turned around to see a man in green with a bow standing on one of the supermarkets shelves

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Robber 1: a man?

Robber 2: and who are you supposed to be, Robin Hood.

GA: I prefer the name Green Arrow, but I would also settle for the name the devilishly handsome emerald archer.

Robber 3: what ever your name is you just made a big mistake trying to stop.....

Before she could finish her sentence Izuku or right now Green Arrow hit her with one of his sleeping gas arrows.

GA: what was that I didn't quite catch that last part?

Robber 2: why you, your dead.

GA: yikes!!!

The girl with the fire hand used her other hand to shoot a stream of fire at Izuku. Before the flames made contact though he was able to jump down behind the shelf he was previously on.

GA: man the was a lot of fire.

Not wasting anytime Izuku jumps into action and runs out from the aisle and shoots the girl with the fire quirk in the jaw with a boxing glove arrow knocking her out cold.

GA: 2 down, now where is uno.

The last girl seeing that she was the only one left made a break for the door not wanting to stick around any longer. Izuku spotted her as she was making her escape though.

GA: there you are. And where do you think your going?

Izuku gave chases to the girl as she tried to escape. However as both Izuku and the robber made it out the door the were met by 4 police officers and 4 pro heroines. The first 2 just so happened to be the top 2 pros themselves All Might No.1, and Endeavor the No.2. The 3rd heroine was Eraserhead whom Izuku has ran into before, and the 4th was the 18 plus heroine Midnight.

GA: (leans over to the robber and whispers) I think there here for you.

AM: surrender peaceful archer.

GA: WHAT!!! What about the criminal?

Endeavor: that's what the police are here for.

Eraserhead: just come quietly Green Arrow, we all want to get this over with as quickly as possible.

GA: listen I don't want to fight, instead how about we....

Izuku as quickly as he can shoots a near by building with his grappling hook arrow and begins to make his escape. The one flaw in this plan was that All Might and Endeavor were much faster then him. As Izuku made it about 10 feet off the ground Endeavor shoot a heat blast at his line causing him to fall, as he fell All Might punched him sending him down the street.

GA: that hurt.

While Izuku was on the ground Eraserhead come and tied him up and hung him upside down from a lamp poll.

Eraserhead: now stay while we get a squad car to take you in.

GA: oh don't worry about me I'll just hang right here and wait.

Eraserhead then left to go talk to the others and figure out what to do.

Endeavor: why did we all need to come and take care of one man.

Midnight: I have to agree with endeavor on this one.

Eraserhead: Green Arrow has slipped threw the hero association's hand multiple times before.

AM: that's right. The government just wanted to make sure he didn't do it again.

Eraserhead: exactly.

Midnight: to bad such a cut boy has to go to jail.

Endeavor: what ever, it taken care of and we can put him in...... where is he anyway?

Eraserhead: he's right over..... a crap.

Where Izuku was originally hung up at is now just a bunch of torn up peaces of fabric tied to a lamp post.

Midnight: well he's a slippery one isn't he.

AM: the higher ups are not going to be happy about this.

Endeavor: when I get my hands on him I'm going to.....

Eraserhead: listen we don't know how he escaped but he couldn't have gotten far. Split up and find him.

Currently Izuku was making his get away down the streets of Mustafar on his motorcycle.

GA mind: ha and they said a buzz saw arrow was stupid and impractical. Score 1 for Izuku.

Izuku eventually made it out of town and made his way down an old dirt road. Eventually he came to a seemingly dead end with a rock wall in front of him. But instead of slowing down and stopping Izuku keep going. When it looked like he was about to crash the cave wall opened revealing a tunnel. Izuku followed this tunnel till he came to a stop in the middle of a high tech looking lair. Izuku got off his bike and made his way threw the hide out to put his gear away.

Izuku: home sweet Arrowcave.

Izuku safely stored all his gear and changed out of his Arrow costume. Once done he made his way to an elevator that took him up to the mansion that was just above the cave.

Izuku: man I'm beat. Tonight was a close one, to close, first time since I got off the island and started doing this that I almost got caught. I need to be more carful from now on.

Izuku then began to yawn and make his way to bed.

Izuku: I need to get some sleep, ua college is having there sports festival tomorrow and famed ceo Izuku Midoriya is supposed to be there to find and endorse new talent. I better get so rest.

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