Just Another Hopeless Romantic, Aren't You?

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You're just another hopeless romantic, aren't you?
To have met me in a world full of billions of other people.
To have us be destined to encounter in a wide world of wonders.
But to be fair, we were both looking for the same things as others who search endlessly in this place.
Love, we yearn for love.

Love, we found in the wrong places.
That love we found in the middle of stretches of land.
That love we discovered off a screen.
That love that was purely to see.
Love that we never personally felt.
Love that was connected.
Love that was on the line.
Love that was uncertain.
Love that was wrongly divine.
Because I knew then,
That you're just another hopeless romantic, aren't you?

Love, we found at the wrong time.
That love we found on that July night.
The love that birthed off our voices.
The tones and the lines, everything in between.
The development of it in the days.
As the months passed by, so flourished our love.
Love that grew by the minute. By the wrong minute, that is.
Love that strived through the shadows of the night.
Love that followed the dusk and the waning of the sky.
It all came off the cause of why we were here.
The reason being that we had nothing better to do.
Nothing better than to search for love, at a time we needed it, and at a time when we could've done better.
Because I felt then,
That you're just another hopeless romantic, aren't you?

Love that we named wrong and treated more than wrong.
Love that I considered platonic out of fear.
Love that you opened me up to.
Love that I denied bearing myself into.
That love that grew out of fun and teases.
That love that showed from our words of endearment and our kisses.
The comfort, the solace that we found in each other.
The questions of whether this was love or not.
Whichever the answer that spit off my mouth, you knew then,
That I'm just another hopeless romantic, aren't I?

The love I denied recognition.
That love that budded out of this that we thrive off of.
That love, it was a mere almost.
As it almost showed, all through the moments of our love.
Almost, I tried to show.
Almost, I tried to explain.
Almost, I tried to love like such.
Yet almost could only be almost.
As I try to fool myself.
Deny recognition of the truth and embrace ignorance all about.
Relentless was my heart to acknowledge such kind of love.
Love that slipped through the cracks.
That love I might've mistitled and misrepresented as a mere play.
Because I feared what I found,
That I'm just another hopeless romantic, aren't I?

Love that I deprived myself of.
Love that I kept in hiding.
That love that I once saw a mistake.
That love that cost me to lose a beloved.
That love you comforted me out of.
The love you try to reach out for.
The love you wish to use for the betterment of what we have.
But I know you know dearly well that my fear won't let me love like such anymore.
Love the way I used to.
Love someone like you in that way.
Because I've had enough of one time.
That loss would not let me lose another.
So I simply fear the days pass by, thinking I'd lose you too.
I fear the uncertainty in our words.
I fear my mind and the trauma that barred me.
For I myself see,
That I'm just another hopeless romantic, aren't I?

Love you saw through the lines and attempted to unveil.
That love suspicious enough to jump into.
That love that kept slipping before my fingers.
That love you saw me deny and deprive myself of.
That love that probably could've changed who we are today.
But it probably couldn't have as well.
Because I didn't let it change us.
And I didn't take that risk, knowing well how much I feared.
But not knowing how much I could've gained.
I only knew after how much I lost.
To her.
And I realized then,
That we're just another pair of hopeless romantics, aren't we?

Love that I should have shown before it was too late.
Love that you instead gave to her.
That love I didn't offer you, you offered to somebody else then.
That love I had second thoughts to.
That love that wasn't certain.
Who knew that second thoughts were all it took.
It was all it took for me to not realize for one second what I missed out on.
Who knew that second thoughts were all it took.
It was all it took for me to now be barely even second to your heart.
Because I never made it certain that you were first to mine.
And now I only get to gaze.
At the love that I could've had.
The love that you're certain of now.
Love that I shamelessly denied the risk of.
Because it was too late.
Now, it is too late.
Because I've had all that time to realize,
That we're just another pair of hopeless romantics, aren't we?

Love that I wrongly assumed.
Love that I took beyond its meaning.
It's what led me to assume the wrong things.
The things I cherished for.
The love I ever so wished for.
The love I desperately yearn to venture for.
No matter the lengths, no matter the heights.
As I found your love, I took it wrongly.
It led me to be blinded easily.
You played with it.
I fooled out of it.
I was oblivious to the love we had.
As it wasn't how my eyes saw it.
It was a flare, so special, glimmering.
But it shone out a different spark.
It wasn't the love I came to wish.
But it was the love that I needed.
A love I yearned for as well.
So it seems, that I saw a better side to this.
And that I made you realize then,
That I'm just another hopeless romantic, aren't I?

Love that you and I rushed.
The love we had no time to waste for.
Love that couldn't wait.
That night our tears were shed.
The night we opened up for comfort.
The nights the many teases rolled on.
The nights marked with our kisses.
Who knew that this love bloomed easy?
Love that reached the skies overnight.
For much I know of, we were both young and wild romantics.
Naive to the realities of this world.
Afraid that time will be the kiss of death for us.
And so we rushed.
Our differences we slipped through.
And out of stupidity, it budded rapidly.
Much as I'm to tell, it felt comforting.
To find love in such short notice.
To be at comfort with you who was once stranger to my eyes.
To be in love knowing we've known each other only for months.
There, it showed simply,
That we're just another pair of hopeless romantics, aren't we?

Love that you showed me.
Love that I kept to myself.
You showed me what it meant to love.
You insisted that I loved.
And so I did.
I loved, just for you.
You opened me up to love another.
And so I did.
I opened up for love, for you.
You got me to love like there was no tomorrow.
You got me to love like I'll never love again.
I've loved again like I never feared.
It was all because of you.
You were the reason.
You were my reason.
You were the one I loved, simply because I can love.
You showed me what it means to love.
You showed me the wonders love can do.
I amaze at the love you've shown me.
I amaze simply at you.
You have shown me reason, shown me love.
You have proved more,
That I'm just another hopeless romantic, aren't I?

Love that was driving us hopeless romantics.
Love we so searched at a time of horror.
Love we found in turmoil, loss, and despair.
That love we couldn't afford to lose no longer.
That love we gambled all odds to.
We took the risk.
Because we knew this love was only one opportunity.
There was nothing else.
Nothing more to lose but ourselves.
To be young, wild, dumb lovers.
That is simply what we aim.
It was all for love.
Love, it was what drove us.
To the many things we did.
To the many risks we took.
To the game we played.
Our lives, nearly at stake.
It was all for the sake of love.
Love that made us appear as such,
That we're just another pair of hopeless romantics, aren't we?

For I know we loved not in vain.
But we loved not in logic.
You loved when you were lost.
You loved, but you shown deceit.
You loved out of spite.
You loved, in retribution to what you deserved.
You loved sincerely.
You loved me.
You love me.
I loved like a fool.
I loved, oblivious and naive to the harsh reality of this world.
I loved like there was no one else.
I loved out of grief.
I loved, simply because I was broken and in fear.
Then, I loved again.
I loved you.
I love you.
We loved each other like we were fated to.
We loved each other like innocent children playing.
We loved each other like this was all we had.
We loved each other as if we were to love again in our next lives.
We loved, knowing we'd bear what we had to bear once more.
We loved, knowing we do.
We loved, because we were both just at our youth.
At a time when we were to have fun, we sought for love.
On our feelings and thoughts rested that love, pure, innocent, to sprout such things many lovers would face.
We loved, because we were both hopeless.
We loved, because we both knew we run out of hope.
We loved, like the hopeless romantics people could be.
In the end, you're just another hopeless romantic like me, aren't you?

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