Chapter 2 Down the rainbow

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Chapter 2

Down the Rainbow

 "Wee!" Katie cried, whizzing down a long, smooth thin object. It felt very light, as if she was floating in air. But she knew there was something undernieth her but she just wasn't sure what it was. Could it be a slide? No slides are much shorter. Well... she couldn't think of anything else. Then what could it be? She feared to look down but her eyes misbehaved. She couldn't believe her eyes when she saw lots of different dazzling colours underneath her. They were so beautiful and vibrant. The order was red, orange, yellow, green, blue and violet. It must mean that she was sliding down a ... RAINBOW!

          "Wow!" Katie gasped. It was so awe-inspirering, she couldn't take her eyes off it.

But when she got down she stopped and looked around. "Where am I?" she asked herself, quietly.

It was completely silent, all she could hear were leaves scattering and creaky doors closing. It looked like a little village with a slate, concrete floor and a little cracked and broken path that lead to a grey, crooked house on the end of a long line of little crooked houses. For some strange reason the house that the path lead to was leaning to its side, it was slanted diagonally.

Katie saw some white, dusty shutters slam and a plant pot that had been sitting on the window ledge, fell down onto the floor and smashed.

          "All of it is so dull and gloomy," Katie thought to herself. But there was one thing that brightened up the dull village, a little brick well that stood right in the middle. It was all dry and no water was running. There were over-grown vines surrounding it and there were dry, dead flowers connected to the vines.

A rusty, handle was hidden behind a bunch of brown, crumbly leaves, so Katie slowly walked up to the handle and brushed the unattractive leaves away. Then she forcefully twisted the tap as hard as she could. It immediately made a strange sound almost as if someone was saying "Hussshhh!" then some fresh, clean, running water gushed out of the bottom of the well.

          "That's a funny way for a well to work!" Katie chuckled. It was very puzzling but at the same time Katie was very fascinated with it and waited a while, staring at it thoughtfully.  

It started to overflow so Katie twisted the tap once more and the water stopped spraying out, it was as still as a statue, leaving the water that had overflowed to sink into the broken tiles.

Magically and suddenly from the bottom of the well a little light appeared. A gleaming, twinkling type of light that didn't seem to come into focus. It seemed as if it was generally a very cloudy light that looked almost like some cloudy lemonade. It fluttered through the air. It then gracefully circled the dead flowers and gradually the flowers lit up. Kate suddenly realised that they all got their vibrant colour back. Some were red, some were blue, some were pink and some were yellow. They had come back to life! Then the light vanished in thin air.

          "That is incredible, wow! But I still don't know where I am and how I got here," Katie sighed, leaning on the well.      

          "On my opinion I think that we are in a whole new magical land," a snooty voice said, suddenly.

"Who said that?" Katie speedily asked, scared out of her wits. "It can't be you Stanley because you can't talk and it definitely wasn't me but then who else could it be?" Katie looked at Stanely for an answer even though she knew he was useless.

         "Cats can talk you big banana!" Katie was speechless. While that voice was talking just then, Stanely's cat like mouth was moving with the words. The voice was coming from him. That must have meant that he was... talking!

          "Stanley that you, can you really talk?" asked Katie, bearly able to say a word. She was incredibly shocked.

          "Yes of course it's me," said Stanley, he had a bossy tone in his voice.

         "How...can you... talk?" Katie swallowed and caught her breath. Stanely, scratched his pointy ear with his back leg then stopped and looked at Katie again.

          "Well, obviously I have always been able to talk, even at home," Stanely began. Katie looked uncertain but at the same time she wanted to hear more. Stanely carried on. "I had always talked and I could hear myself but you could only hear meows and purrs but never the actual words. But  where we are now, you can hear the words I say. That's why I asume this is a whole new magical land." Katie was amazed and yet found it quite amusing to find out that Stanely had always tried to tell us stuff but yet we didn't get a word he said. No wonder he always wanted attention because he alwaystried to tell them things.

Katie felt more confident in speaking to him now and carried on the conversation.

          "How did we get here?" asked Katie, with a confused face.

          "Don't know," Stanley said. He started to lick his right paw with his rough, catty tongue.

          "Also, this place is very quite and deserted, where is everybody?"

          "I can explain that," said a croaky voice.

          "Now who is that?" Katie thought to herself.

          Katie looked around and saw a pitch black silhouette emerge from behind the small, grey house. It was a skinny, old lady walking towards her. She was wearing a torn and tattered blue blouse and a turquoise tartan skirt. She was also carrying a basket of juicy blue berries.

          "Who are you?" asked Katie, in a small, weak voice. To tell the truth, she was a bit scared.

          "I'm Mrs. Waterweb who owns the market just down the road, well I owned it. They closed the market down because no one came to it anymore," the old lady said, sadly.

          "That's a strange name, Waterweb, don't you think so?" said Katie as she settled down on a rock that sat next to the well.

          "I'm called that because... I can breathe under water," whispered Mrs. Waterweb. Glancing around to check if anybody was listening. 

          "Wow!" said Stanley, who stopped licking himself and padded closer to Mrs. Waterweb.

          "Not everybody has a power but I am one of the lucky ones or does." Mrs. Waterweb faintly smiled for the first time. She glanced at Katie who was now quite used to weird and wacky things coming up in that strange place.  

          "That is amazing! You are very lucky to have that very special power. But the question that I have been trying to find out for ages is... where is this place?" asked Katie, for the hundredth time she had said that.

          "What? You don't know where this is? Oh, well you have come to a very famous place. This is Magic mania!" yelled Mrs. Waterweb, waving her arms in the air and smiling. 

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