Chapter 1 Hide and Seek

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Chapter 1 

Hide and Seek

 One cold and rainy day Katie Nicklesone was bored. She was gazing out the window watching the drizzly rain fall. She was 10 years old and her dark chestnut hair was in plaits, tied with silky, red ribbons. She had a blue and white squared dress (a bit like the one that Dorothy wore in The Wizard Of Oz). It also had light pink trim on the bottom and on top she wore a  white, frilly pinny on, that her grandma gave to her for her eighth birthday. She had a curled up nose, rosy cheeks and a sad expression.  

          "I wish I could go to the park," Katie moaned to her cat Stanley but of course Stanley could not reply. Then Katie had an idea. She decided to phone her best friend Polly Green-snitch to see if she could come round to play.

Katie grabbed the house phone from its stand and dialed the number. Katie didn't talk it over with her mother but she knew her mum would agree. Luckily Polly walked over to Katie's house wearing a flowery blouse and some dark blue jeans with a yellow, damp rain coat on top. The annoying thing was that when Polly got there, they hadn't a clue what to play so they asked Katie's mum.

          "You could play charades," Katie's mum suggested, while stirring a big bowl of thick, creme-coloured pastry.

          "No that's boring," sighed Katie.

           "You could play scrabble?"

           "No I played that this morning with my big brother James," groaned Polly uncertainly. Katie's mum brushed back her short, brown, wavy hair and stopped stirring for a minute. She tapped the rim of the bowl with the wooden spoon.

          "Hmmm... how about playing hide and seek?"

          "Yes!" yelled the two girls. Mrs. Nicklesone smiled and walked into the kitchen to hear the weather forecast.

          "I want to count," Katie said.

          "But I want to count!" Polly answered back.

          "Ohhh...if it wasn't for me then you wouldn't be here," Katie stated.

          "Yes but if I wasn't home at the time you called then I wouldn't be here. Anyway I am the guest after all," Polly grinned. So they decided that first Polly would count and Katie was going to hide.        "1...2...3," Polly counted with her eyes closed.

         Katie raced up the stairs with Stanley following her.

 Stanley was a tabby cat, very plump but very proud and he always wanted attention. If someone was sitting on the sofa he would trot right up to them, jump onto the sofa and purr loudly. When someone was in the shower and they had left the door ajar then he would squeeze through it and yowl loudly. He was brown, white, black and grey at places and even though he was sometimes a nuisance he was still part of the Nicklesone family. At that very moment he wanted Katie to stroke him so he thought following her would be a good idea.

 But Katie wasn't thinking of stroking Stanley at all at that moment, she was using valuable seconds to find a room where Polly wouldn't think of looking for her.

 Where could she hide? She ran up stairs. A tall ladder was blocking her way.  The ladder led up to the attic so Katie scrambled quickly up the ladder.

It was all dusty and dark. A lot of rubbish and junk was sprawled across the floor. The Nicklesone family were not huge fans of cleaning or tidying. Katie always pleaded her mother to tidy the attic so that Katie could make her own secret hide out up there but her mother's excuse every time was: "There might be important things up there and we don't have anywhere else to put them, Katie! And of course I don't have time now to clear up a space downstairs to store them." So the attic always remained stuffed with pointless items and a very filthy place. Katie had no idea why there was a ladder coming down from it since it hadn't been opened in decades (well maybe that was a bit exaggerated).

          "Ready or not, here I come!" Polly yelled stomping in the direction to Katie. Katie had to find a hiding place. It was too late to race back down the ladder and hide somewhere else. She had to think fast and she was wasting valuble seconds. Suddenly, she heard Polly's footsteps walking towards the ladder. Katie would lose. So, without thinking she jumped into a big, brown, box in the attic and vanished!


At the part when Katie jumps in the box, what do you think is going to happen? Write comments please!

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