5- Mess-up hearts.

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Yibo was in deep thinking when Jian touched his shoulder,

"Don't be so hard on yourself, yibo, I can understand. It's just...I never see you happy like this before and I'm afraid, "

Yibo closed his eyes to get to grips with his uncontrolled emotions! He realized that maybe he crossed the line somewhere that he shouldn't be!

He sighed,

"You are right, I need to stay out of distraction, don't worry, I know what I have to do, "

Jian felt pain for his friend,
"Don't try to hide it from me, yibo, it's not easy for you. I suggest you change your preference and try to complete the work as soon as possible. It would be mess up if you continue like this and especially in the presence of xiao zhan sir!"

Yibo looking at Jian and then nodded,

"Hmm...ok, let the work finished here, and we will move on. By the way, I need to go outside for a day, cover up for me, and inform bai chan that I might be not involved in the practice too, "

"That's not fair, yibo, you should stay on your words, don't ditched them at this moment, you will have to play the match even if you don't want to, "

"Who says I don't want to play the match?"

Jian was surprised, "don't you say you won't appear at practice!?"

"Yes, but I never say, I'll not play the match, I just say, I don't have time to attempt practice match, you know, I need to focus on something else, right?"

"Hmm, I got it, don't worry, I will make them convince, focus on your work, yibo, all will be ok, "


After that day yibo turns out totally different, he was absent for two days, and even after coming back, he avoids xiao zhan class for days now...

Bai chan and his gang asked for yibo to Jian but he informed them that yibo need to visit his home as there is some emergency occurs, and when yibo came back, he continued the lie as he was distracted by the family matters!

Xiao Zhan was surprised when he notices yibo's absence in his class the first time! He was felt relief and happy that at least he could feel no pressure to work as the trouble of his life was not there to bother him anymore!

But as time passes, he notices that yibo indeed came back and attend the other class as usual but he never saw him in his class anymore!

First, he thought it's better this way but after some days, he felt uneasy and restless, he was worried about yibo, and back in his mind maybe wants to see him too...

He didn't aware that he was started to care for him!

One day, he stopped Jian after his class. Jian was surprised at this gesture!

"Umm...Mr. Song, can you tell me why your friend Mr. Wang skipped chemistry class? You both were started in the midterm, he shouldn't escape the class like this if you want to clear this year!"

"Don't worry, sir, he will clear it all, and as a matter of study, I'll share my notes with him, you don't need to be worried about him," Jian didn't like it the way he senses xiao's true concern for yibo.

"Oh! Ok, then it is fine, have a good day, " Xiao Zhan rushed past Jian in a hurry as if afraid to be more embarrassing than this! He can sense the mocking tone in Jian's voice!

He set in his office while looking at the roof silently, he didn't know why he felt the pain in his heart and why yibo's absence bother him this much as he wished for it in first place!?

My stubborn fella. (YiZhan ff)✔️Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora