30- The worth of a bet.

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Yibo's body was tied with chains and he was bleeding as he was beaten so hard. His body was aching like a hell but he still somehow tried so hard to stand steel. He didn't want to give satisfaction to the men who beat him so much only to see him scattered and breaking down. They mocked him, spitting on his body, pulling his hair so harshly and someone even burned his hand only to make him scream. Yibo holds himself not to screaming or giving satisfaction to those morons who only want to break him.

"Tell us where is he and we let you get out of here safely. You can't hide him for a long, officer." That man pulling his hair,

Yibo smirked at his frustrated face,

"You can't. He was like a needle in a bunch of twigs. Even you can't touch his shadow."

That man punched Kibo's face so hard that his jaw hurts so badly and his lips cut on his side. That man didn't stop there he bests him like a maniac until...

"Leave him, Mathieu, we need him to breathe."

The deep voice of someone makes the man hold onto his hand. His chest is still huffed but his hand stopped in midway.

Yibo's vision became blurred but still, he can see a man wearing all black, head to toe, coming his way. Yibo can see the face but not clearly. He tried to clear his vision by shaking his head but...

"Stop torturing yourself, officer, I'm not someone that you try to identify. But...maybe I have someone whom you know!"

Yibo can see he signed someone and suddenly two bulky men came inside with a limp body. They throw that person in front of him and when yibo looked at his face,

"Jian!? Oh! My! What you did with him, you bastard!? I will kill you." Yibo was horrified to see jian's limp body in front of him. He can see how cruelly they have beaten him! His left hand was dislocated and his face has all ugly scars and rashes. He had a deep wound on his stomach and his chest skin was slashed in a deep cut.

Yibo's eyes couldn't see it more, he screamed,

"Jian? Jian? What are you doing? It's not time to lie down. Wake up, I say wake up, danm it. It's my order, you have to wake up. Jian? Jian?" His voice shook with worries about his only friend. He didn't accept but Jian is the only one who can he say was his family after xiao zhan. He can't lose him, no way, he let him go,

"Please, Jian, I'm sorry, if I hurt you but don't leave me like this. Think about ning. He needs you. I need you. You have to be with us. Please, my brother, please, come back to me."

Yibo's eyes filled with tears and this time he tried to put his leg's weight on that body to make him awake but some man pulled him out of his reach,

"You bastard, leave him, open my hands for once, and ill saw you whom you mess up with, you fuckers,"

"No need to waste your energy, officer. I can put him out of misery just by killing him but I can't be sure if everyone that was with him could be that lucky! They could die at any moment if you refused to cooperate with me. Think about it," that man who was a mask over his face turned toward the right side of yibo and seat on a chair while gazing at yibo.

Yibo's mind is in mess. He can't take risks for xiao but what if he lost his all precious and loyal friends in this war? He...he felt helpless at this moment but in his heart, he knew...

They all can die for xiao and this holly cause. He knew the answer but suddenly, he felt another man approach the man sitting beside him and tell him something in an unknown language,

"Bravo! I knew it. He can't let them die. Finally, that emotional fool takes the bet. Do as he says and bring him to me directly. Hurry up, I don't have time." That man's eyes sparkled with excitement and yibo can guess, it was something related to xiao zhan.

"No, he can't do it. He can't break their trust. No...this can't be happening," yibo was afraid to even think about the possibility that xiao can surrender to this man!?

That man laughing out loud,

"Oh! But he did it, you fool, hahaha...that goat trapped himself in this Liao's dan. Hahaha...now who gonna help him?"

"Dare you to do something to him and me..."

"And what you would do if so? You are not in the position where you could do anything and when you are the bet I put to get him, what you will do?"

Yibo's eyes widen with shock,


"Yes, I know your special relationship with your cute professor, officer. He won't like to see you dead and others who are in our clutch."

"But how could you able to reach him when I..."

"Well, I have my ways inside your group too. That Minato was a fool who underestimate the world's most powerful mafia king like this! He thought everything he planned was a sealed deal for you all while he missed the loophole. What can I say? I'm the best,"

Yibo was too numb to even react when he knew the man in front of him was none other than Mr. X!

The most powerful and wanted mafia king!

"Mr. X?"

"Now, you know me mr wang. You are the luckiest person from the government who can see me in person. So, how are you feeling?" Mr. X bragging himself and mocked yibo to make him angry,

"You bastard? What did you do to Minato? Where were the others?" Yibo try to free himself from the chains but they tightened more on his body,

"Oh! I'm sorry but I have to tell you that, your friends were no more in this world. They were trapped in my plan and died in an explosion. I don't like to waste my time and bullets when everything can be cleared just by a button push! You know what I mean, right?" He winked,

Yibo was starstruck, his face losing its color when he realized what could happen if xiao...

"You bastard, bloody bitch, open my hands and I will show you whom you are dealing with?"

"And I'm dealing with a helpless and reckless lover of the world's no 1 scientist xiao zhan. You are nothing but a fool when you trust your government more than your source. They are much sick than me and not to mention helped me somehow. You can't trust anyone when you have to save a person like Dr. Zhan, yibo. Accept that you are not the best."

Yibo growled in pain and worry. He was afraid for xiao, now. What will...

Suddenly, the door was open wide and some people came inside with a person whose hands were tied to his back and has black band-covered eyes.

He was xiao zhan.


Short update, I'll try to update more parts soon. Thank you for your patience.

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