33 - Its Not The End.

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Yibo destroyed that syringe and dug a hole in the soil to bury that bottle and syringe in them. Despite the pain he has in his body, his duty as a soldier gives him the strength to save others. He can hardly manage to stand on his feet. He can feel the changes inside of his body and hear the faded voices and screams that he knew were of Xiao Zhan. His breathing was labored and he felt dizzy,

On the other hand...

"leave me, I say leave me. I have to save him. He will die if I don't give him an antidote on time. Please, let me go." xiao yelled at mr X who still clutching his body in his arms,

"That's the plan. I want him to suffer, a slow and painful death. That's the price for ruining my plan. Let him face it. I enjoy his suffering, by the way,"

Xiao was now furious. He can't wait for others to help him. He bit hard on that monster's hand and freed himself by taking advantage of it. He was injured and shot in the leg so can't run but he limped out of his way when mr X pointed at his head,

"Stop right there, doctor,"

Xiao didn't look back,

"Shoot me if you want but I will not stop."

He forward his step but suddenly heard a gun firing,

Xiao thought, he must be shot but it's not him...

It's mr X who has been shot in his chest. He turned to look who had shot him and what he saw made him frozen,

It's shen wai,


"Even I don't want to waste my time explaining myself to you. Meet you in hell, bastard,"

With that, he shot mr X in his head pointing black!


The world's most dangerous criminal shot dead...

Xiao looks at his dead body and then to Shen Wai,

"wai, my antidote!?"

His body was about to drop on the floor but Shen Wai held him before he touched the earth.

"Yes, it's safe with me. Don't worry, nothing happens to your love. Come on, you have to be strong for him. You both fought a long battle to reach this moment. You can't lose it, zhan."

Xiao hissed with pain but still stood up with the help of Shen Wai. Shen Wai holds his friend's body and takes him toward yibo,

"When I give this antidote to yibo, I'll give this formula to you. You will make this medicine and people only know you as their savior." xiao told his wish to Shen Wai,

"After betrayal you, putting your life in danger, you still want me to have your invention!? How can you forgive me, zhan? I'm not worthy of your friendship." Shen Wai was crying,

"You are the only one who takes me as a friend, wai. My only dear one until I found my true love. There is no way I can leave you behind and unsafe in that danger. Yibo didn't trust you but he still saved you for me. But don't think this is me doing for you, I'm doing this to myself. I want to live a normal life, now. I want my yibo back and hide somewhere, where nobody can find us. I don't want any fame, any credits, or any popularity...I want my yibo, only my yibo."

Shen Wai understands Xiao and lets him walk to yibo,

Yibo saw Xiao and Shen Wai coming his way and screamed,

"Stop there, xiao. Don't come near me. My body is highly infected. Please, stay out around me."

"You promise me, yibo. We will be together in it. You promise me you let me be with you. Whether we live or die, we are together in it." xiao looks at Shen Wai, and Shen Wai takes out another bottle from his side pocket,

My stubborn fella. (YiZhan ff)✔️Where stories live. Discover now