another date with karl

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it had been a few day since the whole situation with chandler and y/n fight and they still weren't talking to each other and y/n was still living with me. they were sleeping on my sofa downstairs. im not complaining though i love that y/n is staying with me. anyways today were going on another date that i planned for them so i hope they like it...

"hey karl!" y/n walked into my bedroom and sat on the side of my bed "you excited for our date?" they smiled. i was still in bed, half dressed, i didnt have a shirt on but y/n didnt seem to mind. "hah yeah i cant wait, i just hope you like it" i said, scratching the back of my head. i got out of bed and threw a shirt on. "sooo... where you taking me?" y/n was eager which is good. "well i cant tell you that cause its a surprise and also we got all day cause what i have planned isnt until the evening" y/n whined "oh but i wanna go nowww" i laughed and punched their arm. y/n got up and walked to the door hut just before they left they said "see ya hot stuff" i felt my face go red and replied "bye cutie"

i love our dynamic its so fun but i really wish i could just tell y/n how much i really like them. im just so nervous.

later, i walked downstairs and flopped on the sofa next to y/n "hey man whats good?" they asked "oh you know just like stressed" i sighed. im so stressed out for the date i have planned, what if they dont like it? what if they dont like me? "whats wrong?" y/n put and hand on my shoulder and the interaction calmed me down slightly "actually its okay dont worry about it..." i got my phone out and checked the time and saw that we still had about two hours til our date "uhhh you wanna do anything y/n?" the day was going so slow and the pressure was really building up. im so scared. "uhhh we could play some video games?" they suggested i nodded and grabbed a controller for each of us. we decided to play mario kart.

we played for about two hours and another round had just ended "dude i just totally just kicked you're ass!" y/n said, laughing "no way! one more round!" i protested but then i saw the time "oh shoot we should probably get going" i stood up and grabbed y/ns hand, dragging them to the front door. "lets go!" we both slipped on our shoes and ran to the car. we got in and a burst of adrenaline washed over me "okay lets do this." i hit the gas and we were off. "so where we going?" y/n smiled, putting a hand on my upper thigh. "aha well that is surprise and you'll find out when we get there" y/n groaned "i wanna know nowwww" it was cute. i shook my head and told them no.

we finally got to our destination and i could see all the colourful lights "a carnival!!" y/n squealed in delight, clapping their hands. "yeah! what do you think?" i smiled "oh my god i cant wait this is gunna be so fun" they replied. i parked the car and we both got out as fast as we could. y/n grabbed my hand and ran towards the carnival "come on man lets go!" they giggled. im glad they're so excited.

we walked through the front entrance, still holding hands, and into a sea of colourful lights, sweet smelling foods and carnival games. i looked over to y/n who had the most adorable look on their face. they were smiling from ear to ear. "so what do you wanna do first?" i asked. y/n thought for a second before saying "carnival rides!" i smiled and we walked over to bumper cars. we both got in separate cars and i heard y/n yell "im gunna kill you karl!" i laughed and yelled back "not if i kill you first!!" after that, the bell rung and everyones cars started moving. y/n drove straight towards me and bumped into my side "got you!" they giggled. i turned my wheel to drive back into them too and thats basically how it went for the next five minutes. driving into each other and laughing. when it was over we both got off and high-fived "that was awesome! lets go get cotton candy" y/n said as our fingers intertwined once again.

a few hours had passed and the sun was setting we walked over to a big of field where i lay down a blanket and sat next to y/n, our hands on top of each others. "karl... this has been amazing." y/n sighed "i dont want this to end." they continued, looking over at me. "me either" i said as i started into their eyes. we slowly started leaning towards each other and once again, like our first date, our lips met. this time it was longer and more passionate. it felt amazing and i wanted to live in this moment forever. we pulled away and were breathing a little more heavy then usual. "that was..." they started "...perfect" i finished. we decided it was time to go home and walked back to the car.

when we got to the car we didnt get in the front. we got in the back. i was on top of y/n and we started making out. it was slow and hot and i could feel y/ns hand going up my shirt. it felt so good but i wasnt ready for that yet. like the making out is amazing and literally everything i could ever dream of but i cant go further than that yet. i pulled away and there was a string of saliva connected our lips. "is something wrong?" y/n asked "no its not but... im not ready to go any further yet." y/n nodded their head "i completely understand... its okay i dont wanna pressure you into doing anything you dont want to." wow. that was so sweet of them. we decided it was a perfect time to head home so we got in the front and took off.

when we got home i went upstairs to my bed and y/n stayed on the sofa. i tried to close my eyes but i couldn't sleep. were me and y/n dating now? is that whats happening? if so thats cool but we haven't actually made it official yet...

1139 words
im going to college in august and when i applied i had to use my deadname and honestly i feel sick cause in the school im in now they use my real name but i dont wanna go back in the closet again i just cant do any of yall have advise :(

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