ancient history

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"hell yeah!! lets get fucking smashed tonight!" lights were flashing everywhere and loud music was playing. in walked karl and y/n. a romance so pure nothing could ever break it.
i held my boyfriends hand and we walked to the side of the room where we just hung out like the losers we are. im okay with being a loser but i cant wait to be out of this hell hole called school and do something with my life. something fun. karl and i enjoyed being away from everyone else. we just got drinks and we talked about our favourite nerdy things together like dungeons & dragons, pokémon and teen titans go. neither of us are very social, we preferred to stand on the side and watch the action together. that is until our friend chandler came up to us "come on guys! lets go have fun! yall cant just be some wallflowers all night" karl and i looked at each other and shrugged. you only live once right? we both walked into the middle of the action and started dancing, we were actually enjoying ourselves until we accidentally got separated. "karl? karl!" i shouted, as i was looked for my boyfriend. "hey... what you shouting for?" i turned around to see a guy about 5"9 with brown hair "oh im looking for my boyfriend" i told him "well if he cared about you, he wouldnt have left you alone to begin with" he said, putting an arm against the wall, beside my head "oh no thats not what happened see were dancing and-"
"how about you get with a man whos never gunna leave your side?" he said with a smirk "oh no thank you im very happy in my current relationship. i can just-" and thats when it happens. he kissed me. i fought with him ti get off but he held me down. when i finally pushed him off and who do i see? karl. standing there with tears welling up in his eyes. he must have walked up to us about half way through this ordeal. "if you made a promise to someone you should keep it" i tried to walk up to him but he ran off "karl? karl!" i ran after him but i couldn't find him and i never did find him after that. he didn't reply to my texts or return my calls and i didnt see him at school. he was gone.

"why did you do it?" he asked softly
"i didnt!" i replied
"well you did" i could see tears welling up in his eyes the same as when it happened
"yeah but thats not what really happened!" i yelled
"then what did happen!" i took a deep breath and tried to explain what happened. i told him how i didnt kiss cody and i certainly didnt want to. i told him that i pushed him away. as i was telling him all this, karls face dropped "oh my god... i- i didnt know thats what- i just thought-" i cut him off "where did you go?" i said, looking him in the eye. karl didn't answer "i called, i texted and i tried looking for you... you disappeared." karl sighed "i know i did... and im sorry. if i had known thats really what happened i would have forgiven you and i would have-"
"but you didnt." he sighed again "i know i didnt... and im sorry." i grabbed karl and pulled him in for a hug. i whispered "but you're here now and... we can forget that stuff right?" i felt karl nod in agreement and we with silently cried as we held each other. we could have been together all this time and we could have been happy. school sucked and im so glad its over.

we both pulled away from the hug and karl wiped my tears away. i smiled weakly at him and he smiled back at me. im actually so happy we talked about this. i thought if we ever did he would be mad at me forever... but i forgot something. hes karl. aka the most forgiving and kind human being on the face of the earth. of course he was gunna forgive me. what was i thinking. "do you remember when we used to prank people together" karl said. i sniffled and nodded "yeah... we were great..."

"okay so when chandler comes in we all gotta pretend were hearing this high pitch noise" karl giggled. it was me, him and a few more of our friends. we waited a few seconds for chandler to come in "hey guys whats going on!" we all started to hold our heads and ears "ah god whats the noise?" karl said "jeez yeah thats so annoying!" i replied, trying not to laugh "do you hear that chandler?" karl asked "o-oh yeah ow totally" he said, holding his ears. we all laughed and told chandler what was up "hey! screw you guys!"

"it was funnier back then." he said. i giggled and "yeah... especially since the joke was on chandler" karl groaned "can you believe chandler trying to make us fight? well we did fight for a second but yaknow... we got over it." i laughed "yeah how dare he, we are unstoppable now that we sorted out our past issues!" i missed karl while he was gone. im so glad he's back and that we've cleared the air. i can tell things are gunna start to get a lot... friendlier. we decided we were gunna spend the rest of the day doing nothing together cause we worked hard yesterday and we deserve it. before we did anything karl grabbed me and pulled me into his arms

966 words

(horror) movie night || karl jacobs x readerМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя